14. Pre-school

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Three years had passed. I just turned three years old. My mom is a stay at home mother, and my dad still goes to work at the fire station. One night, I heard mom and dad talking in the living room about me.  I wasn't asleep yet. I could hear everything that they were saying.

John. jane dear, James is getting older now. he is 3 years old and soon he'll be 4. Ita's time for him to be around other kids his age. he needs to go to school.

Jane then got upset. She wanted to stay at home with James.

Jane.  honey I don't want James to leave me yet... ee's my little boy. I love him.

John. tomorrow I'm gonna enroll him in a pre-school near our house. Then, you can still see him.

Jane then agreed to the point.

The next day, dad took me to a pre-,school near home. A lady named Ms. neon greeted us. The other kids kooked nice, and the teacher was nice. Then dad kissed me goodbye. I had a feeling that today was gonna be ok.

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