15. First day

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james and john returned home  from the school. Jane was so happy to see them. she missed them. Jane made dinner for them. That night, James talked to his mother.

James. mom I don't want to go to pre-school tomorrow. I want to stay here with you.

Jane. I know sweetie. I want you here too, but your father thinks that it will be good for you to make other friends with other kids.

James had a bad feeling about it, but his mom was right. The next day, James, john, and Jane went to the school. Ms. Molly was at the door waiting for the kids to arrive. James hugged his parents and went inside.

It was circle time. Ms. Molly had everyone introduce themselves to each other. James and the rest of the kids listened to Ms. Molly tell the routine for the day. First, it would be painting time.a Then lunch.a Then play ouside time. Then story time. And finally, Jaces's favorite part, nap time. Then, it would be time to go back home. James painted a nice picture for his mother. During lunch time, James sat alone because he didn't make any friends. Then one kid came up te  him. It was a girl. She looked very pretty. Her name was Susan. She had black hair, blue eyes, and very  soft skin. Susan asked James if she could sit with him. James felt shy at first, but he agreagreed.

Suian, hi I'm Susan, but you can call me Susy Lay. What's your name?

James. I'm James. Nice to meet you.

James and Susy became friends. They played ouside together. During story  time, they both sat next to each  other. Same with nap time, a they talked a lot. Mi. Molly had to tell them to be quiet. When it was time to go, Susy and James were sad to leave. Jane came to pick up James. Jane met Susy and her mother stella. James found out that Susy lived just right around the corner of his neighborhood. James had the best day ever at pre-school. He couldn't wait to see susan again tomorrow. 

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