6. Visiting hour

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I just got out of surgery. Nurse till brought me to my room in the ICU. I was hoping ythat my mom and dad would come to visit me after surgery. I know that they are very worried about me. I want to get better, so I can go home to mom and dad. I don't like it here. This is where the really sick babies and kids go. I rathger be at the nursery or at home with mommy.

Soon visiting hours began to start. I was hooked up to my breathing machine with the monitors on my heart. The doctor said that I almost died in surgery. I'm only a baby, so I won't remember this when I'm older. A few hours later, nurse till came in with a man. The man looked at me. It was my dad. He neared down by the glass case to see me. I turned my head but said nothing.


Nurse till y interés the room with John. John saw his son for the first time in a while ever since he was born. John had to be strong. Not just for himself but for his family especially his wife. Jane. He had to be hopeful that his sone would be just fine. Then the doctor came to visit James and talked to John about the surgery.

Doctor, hello John. Glad to see you here today.

John, yes. I came to see my son. How is he?

The doctor didn't want to break the news to John, so he decided to change the subject. He asked about Jane and how she was going about James being in the hospital.

Doctor, how is Jane?

John, why do you need to know about my wife? She's fine! Is there something wrong with my son? What happened during the surgery?

John didn't want to tell the doctor that his wife had a mentally insane breakdown the other night. He wanted to know why the doctor wouldn't tell him about James. He wanted his baby safe and sound at home with his mother.

Doctor, well your sons weight is much better. He now weighs 16 pounds and 14 ounces.

John, and......

The doctor and nurse till both looked at each other. They didn't want to upset the father by telling him that his son has lung cancer.

Doctor, please come sit down mr. Carter. We have something to tell you. Nurse please make sure that baby James is ok.

Tilley went to see after James. The doctor took John to a private office to tell him the news about the surgery. John had a feeling in his heart that something bad was gonna happen.

Doctor, well mr. Carter. Your son is doing ok. We fixed his heart and repaired his broken bones. So now he's ju st rapped up to here properly. But while in surgery, we found something wrong as to why James is not breathing properly. Your son has lung cancer.

John was upset but he tried to hold it together.

Doctor, we will be doing treatment on him as soon as possible. But you are welcome to still come visit your son here. We are only doing what we can.

John decided that he wanted some alone time with James. The doctor and nurse till left John alone with his son. Then John bursted into tears as he looked at his new born baby in the glass.

John, oh son... please get better... your mother is worried and upset. She won't eat. She won't sleep. Because you're not home... why did this happen to us. My first child... and now there's a chance that you might die. Jane won't be happy until you can come home... please get better James...

Then a random nurse came in.

Nurse, ummm...sir visiting hours are over. Please go home. You can come back tomorrow if you wish.

Then John wiped up his tears. He left the room while still looking back at his son. As he was leaving the hospital, he started to think in his head about what he was gonna tell his wife about James. Of course she would want to know. John didn't want to break the news, but he also didn't want to lie either.


What do you think John will tell his wife about James? Thanks for reading.

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