29 big news

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Years had pased. I was now 16. My foster parents threw me a sweet 16 party for my birthday. I was now in highschool. My private lesson teacher had pased away due to cancer. I remembered when Susao used to tell me about when I had cancer. When I was a baby and really little.  All I could remember was an accident that I was in. I was in an orfinage. Now my life has changed. I go to a very fancy school now. River Weod. Everyone was very nice there.

One wekend after school, my parents had a party. My old friends came. Susan and  were best friends now. Lily was adopffed by Susy's mother aparently. They are sisters now. They talked to  me a little bit but not much. I was happy for Lily and Susy. My friends from kindergarden, pre school, and from the orfinage came to see me. I didn't understand what this party was for until my dad made a huge announcement.

My mom was pregnant...ag... Now I wonder if the baby will actually be born and live. I didn't mind that I was getting a new little brother or sister, but I didn't want my mother to be sad. and I didn't wadt to share my stuff with the new baby. I was an only child growing up until I lived in the orfinage. I wasn't use te sharing anything with anyone. I could tell that this was not gonna be easy.

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