3. Bad news

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Even though James carter was born at home, Jane and John took him to the hospital after he was born. The doctor checked him and Jane to make sure they were alright. Jane was doing fine, but James had to stay in the hospital. Unfortunately, James had some head trama and a few broken bones in both of his arms and legs. He also couldn't breathe well on his own and he needed heart surgery. Jane was upset. She thought that her baby was gonna be just fine. She couldn't make it to the hospital, so she had to have James at home.

The doctor approached Jane in her hospital room.

Doctor, Jane I'm so sorry about your son. He will need to stay here in the ICU unit. You will be able to visit him. But until James gets well, he cannot come home.

Jane was very upset. She felt her heart break inside of her. She and John were allowed to see James one last time before going home.

Soon, visiting hours were over. Jane and John hugged and kissed James before the nurse came to pick him up. The nurse came with the cart with other sick babies to take to the ICU. she picked up James in her arms and placed him on the cart. Then the nurse turned to talk to Jane.

Nurse, hi my name is nurse till. Don't worry. Your baby will be in great hands. We just want him to grow more. And we want James to be healthy before going home.

Jane began to cry. And John held his head down. Later that day, the doctor came to talk to Jane.

Doctor, well Mrs. carter it looks like you will need to stay just for about 3 days. Just to make sure that you're ok. It seems like you just need some heeling from the natural home birth. It gave you some trama.

Jane, ok then doctor. Will I be able to see my baby boy tho?

Doctor, I'm afraid not. He needs to get well before seeing his mother physically. But once you're better, you can go see him.

Jane sighed and agreed with the doctor. John was sad for his wife. He decided to go home and pack some bags for the next few nights.


3 days had passed. That morning, the doctor came to see Jane.

Doctor, well Jane it looks like you are free to go home.

Jane was excited. But then her heart started to break again. But this time it shattered. The thought that she can go home but can't be with her baby. John was already home preparing the house for Jane when she came home. He cleaned and sanatized everything. he even got the nursery ready in hopes that his wife would be happy. And that in hopes his sone would come home soon.

Later that day, John went to go pick up his wife from the hospital. As soon as him and Jane came home, John covered his wife's eyes for a surprise.

John, why are you blindfolding me?

John, I have a big surprise for you sweety.

They both went inside the house. John slowly uncovered janes eyes. And walked her into the brand new room.

John, surprise baby! Welcome home!

Jane saw the cleaned house. She was amazed. She decided to go explore around the house. The floors were mopped. The carpet was vacuumed. The tables, counters, and everything else was cleaned. Finally, Jane went to the newest room of the house. The nursery. The nursery was painted baby blue. And all of the furniture was all white wood. As soon as Jane went in the room she burst into tears.

Jane, my baby...my son...where are you.......? Please come home to me my baby...I miss you........

Jane ran into her room and sobbed on her bed. John was upset. He thought that he was doing a good job by taking care of his wife.

John, oh my son...please get better soon. I wish you will come home.

John went to go comfort his wife. That night, John went to his quiet place in the house to pray. In hopes that his baby will be home soon.

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