31 Arrival

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Mother and I came home from the doctor. Father was waiting for us. He asked about the doctor and about the baby. Mother said that the baby will be due very soon. In about a few more weeks. The doctor revealed the gender, but mother wasn't gooma tell. Father got very excited. He always wanted a girl or a boy. Even though he had me. While  I was talking to father, More set up a surprise in the new nursery. After it was finished, she came to get us. Father was very surprised. Blue was every where. Dad guessed that he was gonna very a sun, and he was right. They but were very happy.

It was the last month before my baby brother was due. My parents were very busy preparing for the baby coming. It's a shame that my biological family didn't want me after the accident of my real parents. I was very happy with my new family. The day soon came when my life was about to change again. Shortly after the baby shower, my foster mother started feeling much pain. She went into labor that night, and we had to go quickly to the hospital. I was very excited. I'm finally going to meet my baby brother soon.

When we got there, the nurse quickly took my mother in. I helped dad unload the stuff into the room that we are staying in. The doctor came in to see mother and check to see how far dilated she ". How soon will it take for the baby to be ready to be born. The doctor said that mother didn't have much longer. Once she feels ready to push then it will be time.

After about five minutes, it was time. more pushed as hard as she could. Then a loud wail came from the room. The baby was here. I rushed in the rom. Then the doctor asked one of us to cut the cord. Of course my foster father didn't like the sight of blood, so I decided to do it. My baby brother looked so cute. After he got some time with mother, I finaly got a chance to hold him. Then the doctor asked what was my brother's name going to be.

James: his name is Stanley.

Mom and dad agreed on the name I picked. Mom had to stay in hospital for another day before going home. Dad and I had to leave mom for a bit but she was gonna b with Stanley. We wished her goodbye and left for the night.

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