4. The mential break down

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About a month had passes. John was in the living room watching some TV. Jane was still in her room. The circense were closed. The room was dark, and everything on her bed was wet from her tears. Jane didn't want to do anything. She wouldn't cook. She wouldn't eat, and she even wouldn't sleep. She had a lot of sleepless nights because she would always wait until her baby came home.

John, honey you haven't slept in almost a week. When are you coming to bed? I miss doing things with you. I know you miss James, but we can only do so much. Let the doctors do their work. Our baby is in great care. He will be home soon.

But Jane felt more sad. Later that night, Jane had a dream. Her son died in the hospital. Her first born. Jane woke up and cried again for the rest of the night. The very next day, Jane went to the hospital to see her son. Nurse till leaded her to the ICU. There was her baby hooked up to many machines. He was also in an encubaron. The doctor came to speak to Jane while nurse till was making sure the other patients were ok.

Doctor, hello Jane. I see that you're holding up. Your baby boy is here until he's better. He goes in for heart surgery tomorrow morning. You are welcomed to come after surgery to see him. I just need you to sign a few things. It's just a form saying that something wrong could happen during surgery and worst case is death.

Jane signed the papers. She said goodbye to James and left. Later that night, Jane couldn't take being a mother without her baby at home that she had a meltdown. John heard things breaking in the bedroom. He went in to see what was going on. John found his wife running around the room throwing things. Jane cried and cried.

A few days later, janes boss from her job called. He asked how things were going with her and the baby. This made Jane more upset. John was the only one that could hold up a job because Jane was just not fit to work anymore. Johns mother took care of Jane while he was gone. But one day, things were going to change.

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