2. James carter

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Hi, I'm James carter. This is the story of my life. I never knew my mom and dad at first. After they were married, I was just a thought. My mommy felt strange and decided to go to the doctor. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. A tiny blob was in her tummy. It was me. I got my first picture taken with my soon to be mommy. About 3 months later, I started to go. I grew a head, eyes,ears,and nose. I also grew hands, feet, and toes. About a few more months later, mommy went to the doctor to see how I was doing. I felt bad cuz I made her sick for a few months.

She had to give up the things she liked to keep me healthy. I'm sad because mommy clothes didn't fit.  I was jumping for joy cuz mommy was gonna find out what gender I am. Yay! I'm a boy.

The last few months with my mommy inside her tummy we're good, but I felt a little cramped. Mommy was in pain. I didn't like her to cry. For my mommy, I decided to leave my space in her and come out. Thank you mommy for taking good care of me and I can't wait to meet you.

Soon I saw light. Then there she was. My mommy. And I now have a daddy. They were so happy to see me. They cleaned me up and kept me warm. They hugged me very tight. I'm now apart of this world.

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