8. Jane gets arrested

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Jane was having her breakdown. Then the police came up to the house. The house looked fine on the outside, but the inside was torn into pieces. Then, while Jane was crying, the doorbell rang. Jane dried up her tears. It was a visitor. Maybe it was her mother coming to see her. Or maybe her best friend from college. Jane answered the door. It was the police. Three policemen were at the door waiting for Jane to let them in. The chief of police, officer Steve, looked inside of the house. It didn't look safe at all.

Officer Steve, hello there ma'am. We have come here because of complaints of noises by some neighbors around here. Do you have anything to do with this?

Jane looked at Steve but said nothing.

Steve, who lives here with you?

Jane, me, my husband John, and.......and.......my baby boy...James...if he was home...

Steve, where is your son now Mrs carter?

Jane then began to cry again. She told officer Steve that James is in the hospital.

Jane, my son is in the ICU. He's been there since he was born. I miss my baby.......

Then Steve had the other two officers search the house. Everything was broken. The TV was broken. The windows were shattered. And all of the furniture was ripped to shreds. Steve thought that a burglar came into this house or a group of wild teenagers.

Steve, did someone break in here?

Jane said nothing. Then John came home from his walk and saw the house in pieces. He saw the three policemen also inside of his house. John entered. Steve saw the man entering the home.

Steve, holt! Who are you? This house is not safe for you to be in.

John, my name is John. I'm janes husband. I'm also a father. But our kid is really sick.

Then John turned to Jane who was sitting on the floor.

John, what happened here? Did you destroy the house while I was gone? Why are the police here searching our house?

Jane cried. She confessed to destroying the house while John was gone on his walk. She told him that one of the neighbors called the police because of a disturbance. The police heard everything that Jane had said to John.

Officer Steve, cuff her!

The two officers put hand cuffs on Jane. She was getting arrested for vandalizing her own property. Not only causing a disturbance to others in the neighborhood. Steve also told John that Jane needed to get help. Her son could not come home whether better or not. It was not safe for a baby to be in this house. John thought that the police were right. He agreed. Then the officers took Jane out of the house, leaving John behind. John was now alone with a damaged house and a mentally insane wife.

What will John do now?

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