5. Surgery

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I was in the ICU for quite some time. I have a few broken bones. I couldn't breathe normally, and I needed heart surgery. I also wasn't growing enough to go home with mom. I didn't like seeing her upset. I hope she's ok.

Today is the day I have surgery. My favorite nurse came in to get me ready for surgery. She's so nice. I hate that I have to be put here in this glass box and be hooked up to all these strange things.

Nurse till, ok James. It's time to go sweety. We're gonna fix you up. Your mommy is sad because she can't see you.

We both entered in the operating room. The doctor looked scary cuz of the way he was dressed. He checked my weight. I grew over the past week. Now they just need to fix me. I started to cry. There were a lot of sharp tools ready to be used on me.

Nurse till, ok James. We're just gonna give you some sleepy meds to help you sleep. Don't worry. You won't feel a thing.

After I was asleep. The doctors fixed me sort of. After surgery, the nurse put me back in my room but I still couldn't breathe. It turns out that when I was in surgery, the doctors found something wrong in my lungs. I had lung cancer. They were able to fix me but I can't breathe well. I just hope that my mommy will be happy soon and that I get to go home soon.

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