7. Jane goes crazy

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After John left the hospital from visiting his son, he had some bad news to tell Jane. He thought deeply about it first. What was he gonna tell his wife? John pulled up to his house. There, his wife was sitting on the couch in deep thought. John inters the house and greets his wife.

John, hi honey. I'm home.

Jane runs up to John to hug him in hopes that her baby boy is doing better.

Jane, hi sweety. I'm glad you're home. How is James.? How did his surgery go? Is he gonna come home?

John had to think of a way to not upset his wife but tell her the news in a calming way.

John, well...my dear...James surgery went ok. They fixed his broken bones and head trama. And we're able to repare his heart, but the doctor found why James can't breathe well. Now don't get upset Jane but...

Jane was starting to get upset.

Jane, what is wrong with him?

John, James has lung cancer. The doctor said that his lungs can't function well. He almost died in surgery. His vitals weren't steady at all. He's ok now, but he's gonna need treatment.

Jane began to cry again. Then she started throwing things around the room. She was pulling her hair out while screaming for her son to come home. Jane cried so loud that the next door neighbor, Tammy, Allende the police. John couldn't calm down his wife. So he left the house and went for a walk. While John was gone, the police showed up to janes house.

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