23. School field trip

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james and his kindergarden class were going on a field trip to the aquarium. James was very excited to go. He put on his favorite gold fish that-shirt. As soon as he got to school, everyone was waiting ouside with Ms. Clark to get on the bus. James made it just in time before they left.

Ms. Clark. Hello James. You're right on time. The bus should be coming in a few minutes.

Jane. sorry Ms. Clark. Traffic was terrible this morning. James thought that he was gonna be late for the field trip. He's really excited.

Then Jane kissed James on the forehead.

Jane. have a good day sweetie. I can't wait to hear all about it when you coce home.

As soon as Jane left, The bus arrived. James got to pick the first seat since he entered the bus first. He wanted Susy to sit with him. Then Susy came on next. James waved his hand so Susy could see where he was sitting. as soon as everyone got on the bus, Ms. Clark did a head count and made some announcements.

Ms. Clark. ok class, today we are going to the aquarium. I want everyone to be on their best behavior today. If y'all do well today, we will have a fud day Friday instead of doing class. But if someone misbehaves today, we will not have a fud day. We will do work, and I will be calling parents. That will also mean that that person will not be allowed to go on the next field trip that we have. Do I make myself clclear?All of the kids agreed to the rules and acted very good. Then the bus pulled off. Susy and James talked while on the ride. About an hr later, they reached the aquarium. The tour guide greeted them and helped the students off the bus.

Tour guide. hello everyone. My name is Mr. Stewart. I will be your tour guide for today. Please make sure to stay close while on the tour.th is a big building, and we don't want anyone to get lost. I want each of you to have a buddy system today. Then we can start with the totour.Everyone got a partner. Susy and James were partners. Then they started with the tour. mr. Stewart first took them to the fish tank. The kids saw many types of fish such as gold fish, clown fish, angel fish, and many more.

Mr. Stewart. here is a new fish that has just been added to our aquarium today. This is the rare puffer fish also known as the blow fish. This fish is very unique. This fish has spikes all around its body. Those spikes are very poisoness. They use those for protection. Now, you may notice that this fish is flat right now. Can anyone !ell me whwhy?The kids didn't knknow.Mr. Stewart. This fish is calm right now. But if any reason you the fish is scared or if it's in danger, this fish will puff up into a big balloon. We call this fish Puffffy. Now let's move on to the next tank.

James was fasinitated to see Puffy. The kids saw sharks, dolphins, and whales. Then they came te a tank with nothing in it. James wondered why.

Mr. Stewart. now this tank is empty because we hope to get a new type of fish. Does anyone have any guesses as to what kind of fish we might get?

No one answered. Then Susy took a guess.

Susy. could it be a mermaid?

Everyone laughed at her except for James.

Mr. Stewart. actually yes. Some of our team has went out to find new fish in the ocean, and someone thought they saw a mermaid. We hope to catch one and bring it here to show you guys.

James and his class were very excited. But then the trip was near the end. It was time to have lunch and get back on the bus. Ms. Clark packed their lunches. It was going to b a long ride home. Instead of dropping the kids off at school, the bus took each kid to their house. James and susy had a lot of fun. When they got to sudsy stop, her mother wasn't there. So James said that she could stay with him until her mom gets back. So they did. James reaches his stop. He and sudsy got off and Jane was waiting for them. Turns out that Stella, sissy mom, was with Jane having tea. Sissy and James hugged each other goodbye, and Stella thanked Jane for the tea. It was a great day.

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