26 the orfinage

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Now that Jame's parents were dead, James was transported to an orfinage. None of his family would take him in. Most of them were either sick or on many drugs. Grandma Mandy was very mean to James when he was a little boy.

The orfinage was not a very welcoming place. I could still go to the same school as I did before. I saw Susy but said nothing to her. I was very upset about my mom's untimely death. I spoke to no one at the orfinage. The lady there was very nice though. Her name was Ms. caren. I met a few kids there. A girl saw my pain that I was going through. Her name was Lillien. She was only seven. She was an age younger than me. I was eight. I sat down with her during every meal we had. She asked me why i was here, and she told me her reason. Lillien'smother abandond her when she was a baby. when she was born, her mother didn't want any children including her. Her mother left baby Lillien under a bridge to freeze and die.

I felt sorry for Lillien. Then I told her how I ended up here.

James: both of my parents are dead. My father died from saving a little baby in a burning building. My mom died from a bad car accident. She was driving me to school when it happened. I survived, but she didn't.

Lillien felt very sorry for me. She then started to like me a little bit. I liked her too, but I also liked Susan from school. Susy. Then it was soon time for bed. ms. Caren came to tell us about the rules of the dorms. No kids of the same sex could visit each other. We have to be in bed by nine-thirty. I said good night to Lillien and went to my room. What am I going to do now? Now that I'm in love with two girls. I'll have to pick one. But who...

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