Story 2: The New Single-deck Buses

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You are heading to a bus company in London, known as London Transport, this is Buses of the UK. This story starts off at Trafalgar Square, where the inspector, his name was William Moncrieff, was waiting, he was a new inspector. He was expecting the 139, 88, and the 390 to arrive at the station, but they never turned up, William, soon found out why. Pierre, who was driving the 139, had crashed and got stuck under the Carlisle Lane tunnel, in Waterloo, the 88 and 390 were stuck in a mile long traffic jam leading from the tunnel all the way to Piccadilly Circus, the buses, cars and taxi cabs were all late because of Pierre's careless driving. What the devil do you think you're doing, smashing under that bridge, you know very well it's a low bridge" shouted William, "That's stupid inspector" Pierre retorted, "I'd watch what you're saying in the future, Pierre". Pierre was in trouble for doing countless amounts of dangerous or rule breaking things in the past, but I ain't going to discuss that now, as it's not part of this story. The traffic was diverted onto the motorway to the station, they were very late for meetings, school and of course arriving at the station. William ordered the breakdown boys to pull Pierre and his bus out from under the bridge, he was quite sad, he loved buses so much, it was his obsession and just like me, Michael Davies the author of these stories, buses are Pierre's obsession and mine, too, we hate seeing them scrapped or damaged.

About 10 mins later, William noticed something that made him mad. The driver on the 88, 390 and the number 9 buses had crashed under local bridges and tunnels, William was absolutely furious. "What the devil's going on here" William shouted aggressively "First Pierre now you lot, what is this bus company coming to?", he was so mad, he went to his office to have a nice cup of tea. Then William drove an old minibus to the Uxbridge bus co. to see Alfie Greenway, "I don't understand these drivers at London Transport", "Why, what's wrong?", "The number 9, 88, 139, and 390 had all crashed under bridges on the same day". Alfie came up with an amazing plan, "Why don't you do what we do, and have single-deck buses on those routes and double-decks on routes with no low bridges", William thought that was a splendid idea, he had a chat with Mr Nigel Graham, the manager of every bus company in the entire UK, and he agreed to have the buses put on those routes. From that day forward, the 139, 88, 9, 390 all ran smoothly and efficiently. 

That afternoon, the conductors were all really upset, as the single-deck buses have ticket machines by the door, so there was no need for conductors. Pierre, on the other hand, was over the moon, "Yay, no more low bridges, I won't get told off, yay". But what Pierre didn't know is that the bridge he crashed under has collapsed, and there's no way of getting back when there's lots of traffic behind you. His driver and the highway maintenance had diverted the traffic again, and blocked the road off until the bridge was repaired, it took some time to repair it, the buses weren't on-time until it was fixed, but William knew, and didn't get mad at his drivers and conductors.


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