Story 11: Bus Drivers on Strike

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You are now heading to a bus company by the company name 'Ulsterbus', stated in Northern Ireland, this is Buses of the UK. This story begins at the Banbridge bus & coach station, where Inspector Poole was waiting on 3 buses, the 106b to Crumlin, the 16g to Clough Main Street and the 92k to Greencastle. There were lots of drivers on strike for money reasons, leaving them with only 3 drivers, the public understood the reason for lack of buses, and they didn't get cross, thank goodness. 

The only three drivers were Derek, Tony and Terence. Terence was rather new to the Ulsterbus company, he didn't know the routes very well. The other drivers who were on strike had a protest for money, they held up signs and they all stood outside the bus garage entrance, in order to prevent buses going out on duty. One driver named Harry had decided to lie down on the floor in front of one of the buses, so it couldn't leave the station, the news soon spread and the bus strike made it onto the news.

As the news reporters were recording the scene for the news, driver Harry had cut himself on the rough hard floor, it made twice as many people watch the news that evening. "I'm famous" said Harry, "Indeed you are" said Inspector Poole, he was pleased that a member of his bus company was famous, well only famous for about a day or two. But money wasn't the only thing Ulsterbus members were concerned about, but that's a story for another day.


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