Story 12: Harry Owns Up

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You are now heading back to the Ulsterbus company, in Northern Ireland, this is Buses of the UK. This story continues the scenario from the previous story, recently driver Harry had been forced to lie down in front of a bus in order to prevent it from going out on duty. Derek, Tony and Terence were scheduled to talk to the men about quitting the strike nonsense, but to no avail. "Look, don't you want the money and wages?" asked Terence to Harry, "Pah, we don't need money, we work for free", replied Harry, but deep down he knew he wanted the wages, as he was in debt and needed the money to clear his bank account.

Harry had thought carefully about this and went off to find the other members of a group the busmen called a Union "Here lads" called Harry to the other Union members, "We best be getting back to joining the bus company, as we need the wages", they all agreed and soon went to ask Inspector Poole if they could have their jobs back, he said yes and they all joined back. Harry soon became a great friend with Terence and he'd told him a few things he did in the past, and is only now just owning up. "I remember driving a bus into a canal, and left it there for a long time, it's still in the garage, I also damaged a bus when i got mad and i also punched Inspector Poole in the face as he was being a bit of a dick" he stated, "But why are you only now owning up to it?", it turns out Harry was nervous about telling people.

Harry's learnt his lesson and is owning up all of the time whenever he makes a mistake. Inspector Poole was very pleased with him, in which he gave him an increase in his wages. David was teaching Harry the 568c route, when Harry said "I've driven down here before", "Oh, I see", but really he hadn't, he was fibbing again, "Harry don't lie to me, have you ever been down here or not?", "Ok I haven't, sorry for lying", "Well don't lie, you'll get nowhere by lying". He was given a warning and that was his final, he was nice and didn't lie again, but how long do you think the 'no lying' situation will go on for?


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