Story 7: That Wasn't Very Sensible, Alfie!

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You are now heading back to the Uxbridge bus company, where Alfie's month has been bad and is now getting worse, this is Buses of the UK. This story begins in Alfie Greenway's office at the Uxbridge bus station, it's been nearly a whole month since Alfie's grandmother passed away, in the last story, she'll be missed and loved by all the busmen. Mr Nigel Graham, manager and controller of every bus co. in the UK, gave Alfie a huge increase in his wages, "You deserve this, Alfie, you've been such an amazing hard working inspector" said Mr Nigel Graham, "Oh thank you sir" answered Alfie "If my grandmother was alive now, she'd be very proud of me", "Oh she will indeed, Alf". Alfie was just counting his money when he realised he had nowhere to store it that was out of the way of the others, he decided to store it in his drawers, no not his pants, his cupboard drawers, but it was too easy of a place to find it. "I know" said Alfie "I'll hide in a place where no-one will ever find it, my little office dustbin", that wasn't very sensible.

Just then the janitor came in, he saw Alfie very happy, "Something good happened today, Alf?" he asked, "Yes indeed, I just got a huge pay increase, thanks to Mr Nigel Graham", "Oh congratulations", "Thanks so much". Alfie was late for a meeting with Mr Nigel Graham, he left his office in a tearing hurry, he went so fast the janitor was shocked. "Late are you?" asked the janitor, "Yes, I got to go, Mr Nigel Graham doesn't like people being late" retorted Alfie, not seeing the janitor empty his office dustbin with the money and some important documents into a big giant container, "Ah I see" said the janitor, not seeing the money as the documents were covering it. After Alfie left the bus station in his little minivan, the janitor had taken the big container, with Alf's money and docs, outside amongst a few others, Mr Nigel Graham asked Alfie for the money back as he gave him too much, "Oh god, I left it all at my office", "Now look here Greenway, I expect you to do what i tell you to do, I told you on the phone to bring the money", Alfie rushed back to his office, to find his dustbin had been emptied, "Blast".

Just then, there was a loud crash, a crunching noise and an engine whirring, Alfie looked outside of his office. "Oh god, it's the rubbish men, coming to empty the containers", he saw them empty the first 2 containers, there were 5 in total. "Have you emptied this back one yet?" asked Alf, "Not yet, why?", "It's got my money and some important papers in it". Alfie Greenway got his stuff back, and hurried to Mr Nigel Graham's office "Here you are, sir", "Thank you, Greenway, urrgh bit of an odd smell to them", Alfie soon learnt his lesson for doing such a stupid retarded thing like put your money and important things in the dustbin, at the end of the meeting Alfie Greenway and Mr Nigel Graham said "Oh well, Accidents Happen", they soon forgot about the incident and had moved on, but wait what's this?, a crazy child was playing up in the Uxbridge bus company, but that's a story for another time.


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