Story 25: Taxi Trouble!

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You are now heading to a new bus company called the Brighton & Hove District bus co., this is Buses of the UK. This story begins at the Brighton Bus Garage, where drivers Lawrence and Marco and conductors Huw & Connor were washing their buses at the local wash station, they were their for a while as their buses were filthy. When clean, they rushed straight to the B&H (Brighton & Hove) Bus station to resume normal service, where driver Marco & conductor Huw were on the 5B to Hollingbury in an Optare Delta whilst driver Lawrence and conductor Connor were on the 492 to Denton Corner in a Leyland National MK1 (MK1 known more commonly as the Mark 1).

They were about halfway into their day, when they saw a couple black cars with the word 'Taxi' on top, "What's that?" asked Huw, "Never seen them on the roads before", "Those are the new Taxi-Cabs which transport people to and from places buses don't go, like houses, shops and even schools" answered Marco. Once they saw one, they saw about 20 more every several seconds, it was like mayhem. Once they arrived at the Churchill Square (Stop B), a stout gentleman boarded, he'd caught one of these new Taxi-Cabs to the bus stop from his home about a mile down the road, it would cost him between 50p and £1 via bus, but it cost him £4.65 via taxi, "It's a disgrace" said the passenger, "Oh I agree, your money's well spent on the bus or by railway".

As soon as they all arrived back at the B&H (Brighton & Hove) Bus station, they each had a copy of the Brighton Times, and was shocked to see that they'd discontinued the use of Taxi-Cabs all over Brighton , "Well, that's a relief" announced the stout gentleman, he was pleased that the only method of public transport left in service are the buses and the railways. The next day on service, Lawrence saw a huge car transporter lorry, with a big sign on either side of it saying 'Scrap Transport', carrying a tonne of black Taxi-Cabs, "They're going to scrap them all" said Mr Twist, bus inspector, as the lorry passed Roderick Avenue, where Inspector Twist was waiting for the 12X, and that's the end of today's story.


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