Story 13: Roads vs Rails!

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You are now heading back to the London Transport bus company, this is Buses of the UK. This story begins in the Crystal Palace bus station, where drivers Rupert & Hubert were scheduled to take the 3 to Whitehall, this service is run by Abellio London. "Ah! Love the railways just as much as buses" said Rupert, but what they didn't know is, their favourite steam and classic old-fashioned diesel locomotives were all replaced by an electric subway passenger train called The London Underground. "This is just pathetic" remarked Hubert, he didn't like this new modern fangled nonsense, that's why the London Transport bus company has still got all the old Routemasters, RT's, Regal's, Regent's and who could forget the MCW Merlin's

Now the roads are very important to London, they allow freight and people to use it all the time, but the railways are also important, as they transport people and freight, too, but Hubert & Rupert were indignant, "These buses are more important than those electric foot long subways", "Yes, but they are equally as important as they work with us helping us get the money in order to pay our wages", "true". William Moncrieff, bus inspector, had heard about their feud with the London Underground; he wasn't pleased at all. 

One day, whilst on duty, Rupert was alone on the 3 back to Crystal Palace, he came to a railway crossing, where a brand new Class 231 passenger train came rushing through, it wasn't the underground. He saw the engine about 30 mins later at the main railway station, Rupert was cruising down Dulwich Wood Park, when he came to a railway crossing, he drove onto the 2 rails, and had broken down on the crossing. He got out just in time, CRASHHH!!! The Class 231 had smashed right into the side of his bus. "What the devil happened here?" shouted Inspector William, he had seen it all, he phoned the breakdown boys and they replaced the bus, the smashed up one was sent to the scrap yard and that's the end of today's story.


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