Story 21: Mr Nigel Graham's Bad Day

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You are now heading to the RVDC bus company, this is Buses of the UK. This story begins at the RVDC bus garage in Bedwas, Caerphilly, where Mr Nigel Graham was announcing the fact that he was having a new office built inside the bus garage, which wasn't the best idea. He went into the office and he thought everything was going well at first, then he started losing his marbles, literally, he kept dropping things, making mistakes when he's writing stuff, "Why can't I do anything properly anymore?" He said as he went to see the first bus in, it reversed into the station slowly and carefully with Rob as driver and Bob as conductor, they reversed it just in front of Bay 1 and was ready to leave again for the 11:50 150 to Bargoed.

As soon as Rob & Bob left with the 150 to Bargoed, Mr Nigel Graham went back into his office, and sorted himself out, he did some meditation and went back to work. His day went fine, his work flew by, he was working harder than ever, until one day when he was having a shave in his office before he started work, he moved the razor a little bit too quick and he had cut himself on his cheek. Just as he finished shaving, he tripped over the electric wire from the razor and fell face first on the depot floor, he'd bruised his knee and his nose started to bleed. 

As soon as he thought his day couldn't get any worse, he went to his office again, sat down on his chair, and had a little short nap, when Bob was driving the bus and Rob was guiding him from the back of the bus, but the roads were very icy, and as Mr Nigel had left the back door open when he arrived, the ice and cold weather came into the depot, making the floor slippery, when they drove the bus into the depot, Bob couldn't put the brakes on he smashed right through a 'No Entry' sign and smashed into the front of Mr Nigel's car, but that didn't stop the bus. The bus skidded and smashed right into Mr Nigel's office, he was awoken by such a sound and when he opened his eyes, he saw the main wall had caved in and he was trapped, we can save the excitement of rescuing him for the next story.


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