Story 26: What a Blast from the Past!

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You are now heading to a bus company called Arriva North East, this is Buses of the UK. This story begins at Arriva NE's bus garage in Durham, where the first prototype of the all new Wright Eclipse Gemini double decker bus, no.7484, was being brought out on the 56A from Durham - Bishop Auckland on its first initial test. Arriva NE's newest driver Henry Gimbert was to take the new Wright Eclipse Gemini (or WEG) to Bishop Auckland, to the surprise of the driver and onboard crew, the bus handled the rough roads pretty well, after a few weeks of tests and even staff training, 7484, along with a new batch of WEG's were ready to start replacing such buses as the iconic Routemasters and the Leyland Titans.

The next day, Henry was out on the ED4 from North Hylton - Braken Hill, he was loving a slower pace of life on a scenic country route, lots of forests passed him and a lot of farms with sheep and cows passed him too, he was happy to be a bus driver. After he drove the ED4, he moved on to the 323 from Eskdale School - Whitby Bus Station, when he saw a strict looking school teacher scolding a student for kicking another student, he couldn't help but overhear the teacher's conversation. "What is wrong with you?" she said "Just one word of advice before you get on that bus, you'll never become anything in life, you'll never get a good paying job", that triggered Henry, as a teacher said the exact thing to him before he finished his school years.

Henry was joined by driver William Poole, or Bill, they drove the X94 from Scarborough - Whitby, when Henry saw a familiar face at the bus stop outside Scarborough Rail Station. "That's my old teacher" Henry remarked, the old teacher got on, and said to Henry, "Excuse me driver, who are you", "Give her a right mouth full, Hen" added Bill, "Well, I'm Mr 'You'll never become anything in Life' and look at me now", she raised her sunglasses onto her big forehead, and glanced at Henry, "Oh my god" she said in shock "Is that really you, Happy Henry from Class 3C?", Henry just said 'yes', and told her to take her seat, once she got off the bus, she said thank you to Henry, but he just gave the teacher a dirty miserable look, but I think we can all agree that Happy Henry will be Henry's nickname for ever, and that's the end of today's heartfelt story.


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