Story 24: Road Maintenance!

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You are now heading to the Uxbridge bus company, this is Buses of the UK. This story begins at the Uxbridge bus station, now the buses out of the main station were already late, and the drivers hated things or people making them late, especially Inspector Alfie Greenway, he hated when the buses being late in the first place, "When buses are late, it makes me sick, but to think almost every bus is late, it's absolutely disgraceful!" he added, he decided to catch the local, which was the U7 to see what the delay was.

He soon found out, it was a load of workmen fixing and mending a bump in the road, he shouted out the bus window these exact words "You lousy scum, making my services late, it's very undignified", but the workmen looked hurt after that remark, so they decided to leave the bump in the road, and forget about it. On the next journey on the U7, Alfie was once again onboard the bus, and was seeing if those 'lousy scum' as he calls them will make them late again, but to his surprise, "There's no workers, but they haven't cleared that bump in the road", his driver, Paxman, was cruising gently over the big clump of road, but as it was a big lump of tar, it damaged the brake pipe, the exhaust and the suspension.

Paxman's bus needed to be repaired, so they brought out the breakdown boys, and they towed the bus to the garage. "It was my fault, sir" said Alfie to Mr Nigel Graham, manager of every bus co. in the UK, "I called the workmen 'lousy scum' that's why they're not mending the road", after that, he apologised to the workmen and they mended the rest of the road, and mended the broken bus, but the damage was taken out of Alfie's wages, he understood and was nicer and wiser than ever, and that's the end of today's story.


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