RAW (1)

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Bill sat upside down on the couch, Will opened the door and arrived with a lot of newspaper under his arm. He got a job as a newspaper delivery.

"Hey Will." Bill greeted.

"Hi, Bill."

Will put the newspapers down but kept one in his hand, walking to his brother and giving it to him, throwing himself on the couch.

"Tiring day?" Bill asked.

Will replied with a hum. "I've walked the entire town."

"Wait, you hiked around the entire town?" Bill asked.

"Yes, I did." Will answered.

"My goodness, Will!" Bill said. "Why didn't you invite me? You know we could have explored together!"

"I know, but you were working and I didn't want to disturb you." Will said. "I'm sorry."

"Well, maybe next time then." Bill said. "Did you find something new?"

"Heard two things today." Will said. "One of them had something to do about the Guardians, the other one had to do with a tent."

"Tell me about the guardians first." Bill said. "The more we know about them the better we can be prepared."

"You're right." Will said. "So, there's a small hierarchy, our biggest challenges may be soldiers known as the Guardians of Balance, there's a museum with marble statues of the guardians around here, they seem to be tall."

"Are they actually tall or the statues are big?" Bill asked.

". . .The statues are big." Will said.

Bill giggled a bit. "Alright, alright." Bill said. "And the tent?"

"There is a show happening at night in town from Monday to Saturday." Will said. "It's at the Tent of Telepathy, they say it's a psychic."

"A psychic? So it's not a guardian?" Bill asked.

"Maybe yes, maybe no. . . I don't want to underestimate anyone." Will said.

"Who's the performer?" Bill asked.

"His name is Gideon Gleeful." Will said. "He seems to be adored by the many people in our town." he added. "But that's all I heard about him."

"Hm. . . Interesting." Bill said.

Will noticed the mischievous look in his brother's face. "No. . . Bill, don't!"

"C'mon, Will, let's just have a little bit of fun!" Bill said.


"Don't you want to see a magic show?" Bill asked. "You always loved the stage!" he stated. "Maybe he can give you some tips."

His teasing voice made Will lower his head a bit in shame and embarrassment. "I don't know if we can talk to him. . ." he said. "But maybe watching isn't a bad idea."

"Haha! That's how we say it!" Bill exclaimed, putting an arm around his brother's shoulders and pulling him closer. "Tonight is going to be a fun night! A small break before we go for the actual adventures."

Will gulped. "I'm not ready for those. . ."

"There's no need to be scared, bro, I'll be here to protect you." Bill stated.

"If you say so. . ." Will's voice was low, but in a way Bill could still hear him.

"So, where is this Tent?" Bill asked.

"I don't know, maybe we should ask Wendy." Will said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Bill asked. "Let's go!"

Bill jumped off the couch. Will whined, slowly standing up and running after his brother to try and catch up with him.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

A couple of fairies helped a thirteen year old boy with his hair, the boy had a soft and calm smile on his face, he stared at the mirror and daydreamed about someone.

A guardian in particular.

The door was opened and a man came in, it was the boy's father, who was also an entity. "My son! You look great once again!" the father said.

The boy looked at his father's reflection on the mirror. "Thank you," he said. "Is there something you want me to know?"

"Just that the Pines won't be able of joining your show tonight." the father said.

". . .Why?" the boy asked.

"Because something important disappeared from the woods, they'll have an important reunion tonight." the father explained.

"Do you know what that important thing is?" the boy asked.

"They didn't tell me," the father said. "But you can ask them later, after all, they trust you."

"Thanks father." the boy said.

The father left the room, the boy looked back at his own reflection in the mirror keeping his smile. "They trust me, just like everyone else."

"Who wouldn't? You're the Lord of Trust for a reason." a fairy said.

"You never broke a deal and you were always helpful to everyone!" another fairy said.

"Besides, you never lied about anything, not even prophecies." a third fairy said. "Sometimes I think you and the Prophet are somehow related."

"Thank you, my dears. You're all lovely creatures!" he said.

"Thanks, Gideon!" the fairies said, smiling and a bit excited.

"You're welcome." Gideon said. "I think my hair is already perfect now, thanks for your kind help."

"No problem Gideon!" the second fairy said.

"Happy to help!" the first fairy said.

"See you tonight!" the last fairy said.

The three fairies disappeared, leaving a glittery golden dust behind where they used to be.  "I'll ask Marilyn to clean this later." Gideon said. "Now, where's my cape?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bill and Will waited for the show to begin in the showroom. Bill had both arms and legs crossed with the arms being behind his head, Will was sitting down with his posture really formal, he was visibly uncomfortable.

"Will, c'mon, chill a bit." Bill said.

"I'm chilling." Will said.

"Hm, sure." Bill said. "Why are you shaking then?"

". . .Because I'm anxious. . ." Will said.

Bill laughed a bit. "It's just a normal show, little bro."

"I know, but. . ." Will approached his brother, whispering. "What if he's a guardian? And what if he tries to get in a fight?"

"C'mon, Will, he's not gonna attack us." Bill said. "And if he does, we can beat him up!"

Bill fist fought the air, and even kicked it, Will looked shocked and embarrassed and forced his brother to put his arms and legs down. "Stop it!" Will whispered. "People will think you're a weirdo!"

"Let them think what they want." Bill said. "Besides. . . Where's the fun if everything is normal?"

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