Chapter 5

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Ok, all I needed to do was hair and make up then I was ready for this stupid competition.

Since the moment I woke up this morning, Ive just been constantly sighing in my head for this moment.

Most of the girls had their friends helping them whereas I sat in the corner by myself with my budget make up, crap hair utensils and also having to fighting to urge to shoot myself in the face.

I still didn't have an escort after having explain to Carol Lockwood about the situation that Gregg 'went missing'. She didn't have anymore stand-ins so I was screwed.

Apparently I had to walk down the stairs, smile, wave and make my way to the direction of where the dance would take place, only to move to a different part of the mansion out of the way since I had no one to dance with.

I said before, there is no way in hell I am going to even attempt to win this stupid competition.

Shakily, I flicked wings on my eyeliner and gave up with trying to make them perfectly even on either side.

With my lips painted a dark rouge, and my eyes dark and smoky, it made my white dress even brighter.

When I went shopping for a dress, the only two they had left in my size was a pink one and this white one.

No way in hell you'd catch me in pink.

So, white it was.

I kind of feel like I'm getting married...

Anyway, once I was all ready along with the other girls, we were lined up at the top of the stairs, awaiting to make our grand entrance.

"And here we have it first competitor of the day, Colette Avery and her escort, Brandon O'Collen!" Mrs Lockwood announced from downstairs and there was a large applause.

Huh, I guess I wasn't the only person who wasn't from a founding family.

Oh god, I just remembered that we're called in alphabetical order.... I'm next.

"And next we have the lovely Harri Donavon!" She cheered and there was another applause which wasn't as big as Colette's.

I guess from the fact that there was no escort waiting down at the bottom for me made it slightly awkward.

"Good luck!" Elena whispered from behind Caroline who gave me a thumbs up.

I offered a smile and kept it plastered to my face as I steadily made my way down the stairs.

Please don't trip please don't trip please don't trip...

My eyes were glued to my feet and my hand clung to the banister as I made my way down.

As soon as I peeled my eyes away from the steps however, I nearly fell over at what I saw waiting for me at the bottom.

Not what, should I say, but who.

Damon Salvatore.

Damon. Freaking. Salvatore.

His arm was held out for me to loop mine through as I managed to make my way to the bottom with the fake smile plastered on my face.

My eyes darted to Carol Lockwood who gave me a slight glare if anything.

Then I remembered some of the founders parties, she always had the eye for Damon which I thought was hilarious.

Reluctantly though, I linked my arm through his and we made our way outside to where Colette and her escort were standing.

I still hadn't forgotten what he had said to me the other night. With that in mind of course, my smile was even more forced as we waited for the other girls.

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