Chapter 14

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"Shut up Damon." I repeated for what seemed like the millionth time.

We were unfortunately still in the car and still driving to New Orleans and I was a tad pissed off at Damon for obvious reasons.

And now he was trying small talk to rid the silence from the car but unluckily for him, I actually remembered to bring some earphones with me in my pocket so I was easily amused listening to my music while Damon attempted to converse with me.

I still hadn't questioned him about my dreams. It was too weird that theres now two that have involved Damon in situations that I remember in two different ways.

But, nevertheless, I put up with him for another hour before we parked up at a garage to fill up the tank and get something to eat.

According to Damon, I had been out for about an hour and we drove for another while I was awake so we still had a long road ahead of us.

While Damon filled up the car, I stole his wallet and ventured to the food aisle of the shop.

Around six chocolate bars and four massive bottles of Ribena later and I was in the line at the checkout where Damon joined me to pay for the gas.

"Really?" Damon questioned, raising an eyebrow at my selection of dinner.

"What? There's nothing I can cook and it's not like you need anything solid to eat am I right?" I replied, giving him the same look.

It finally came to our turn and the cute guy behind the till smiled at me when we got there.

"Long trip?" He laughed, suggesting to my drinks and food.

"Yea, another 19 hours if I'm right." I sighed, returning a small smile. I noticed Damon roll his eyes which caused me to stomp on his foot.

"That'll be-"

"Free." Damon cut in, looking straight at the guy and cutting him off mid-sentence.

Luckily there want anyone in the queue to see that Damon just compelled us free gas and lunch.

"Free." The cashier replied, his voice in monotone.

"You're a dick." I muttered, grabbing the two bags of my food and drink and following after Damon who was already leaving.

"You love it." Damon called over his shoulder to which I pulled a face too.

No I don't thank you very much. Stupid moronic vampire.

Soon enough we were both back in the car and driving at top speed. This journey felt like forever.

To pass the time however, I did what I done before which was plugging in my headphones and listening to loud music while Damon attempted to talk to me.

Whilst I was doing it this time however, I was merrily chomping away on my chocolate bar and sipping at my drink.

In the back of my mind thought I was still majorly worried about Davina.

She had said before in a previous letter that her life was crazy, of course me not knowing of her being a witch then, but I never expected what she wrote in the letters.

I had read all of them since Damon had so kindly thought of bringing them with us.

Annoyingly for me, whenever I finished a letter he always wanted to know what it said. I ignored him of course.

Suddenly, Damon ripped the earphone closest to him out of my ear.

"What the hell?"

"And hello to you too Harri. How lovely to engage in a conversation with you." Damon smiled sarcastically.

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