Chapter 6

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"You never call me when you're soooooobeeeeeeer!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I took a large swig of the bourbon I had found.

Blasting music around the house was the peak of my amusement right now and I was just waiting for Damon to get home.

Oh, about the alcohol? Damon compelled me to go back here, clean my hand up, get changed and eat ice cream whilst I waited for him to get back.

So, I cleaned up my hand, got changed into some black jean shorts and a t-shirt, eaten my ice cream and now that I'm waiting, I get to do what I want.

Alcohol of course being the favoured choice instead of just sitting here doing nothing, I would rather face him drunk.

Sober me would be timid and wouldn't challenge him about what he did.

Drunk me however, would slam my hand down and force him to apologise, even if he threatens me.

I was on my second bottle of bourbon which I had amazingly managed to stomach well. I remember the first time I tasted it I nearly vomited from the taste but since then I had had a lot more alcohol in my body.

Currently, I was rolling around on the floor with the bottle next to me as I sang to Evanescence.

I mean, I know the situation is serious with Stefan but since Damon made the stupid decision of thinking that 'my life wasn't that important' and then compelling me.

I'm still not over it.

To be frank, who would be? It's an invasion of privacy and extremely irritating at that.

Finally, I heard the door open and close and I rolled onto my stomach so I could see who it was.

Surprisingly it was Klaus who strolled in, amusement on his features as his eyes drifted onto me.

Damn it, just what I need, an annoyingly beautiful original vampire in my presence.

"And what, may I ask, are you doing?" He asked, his hands going behind his back and his eyebrow raising.

Bringing my arms to my sides, I pushed myself up and stood up wobbly as my eyes went in and out of focus.

"I, Mr Klaus man, am waiting for someone to come home." I answered, my voice slurring slightly as I spoke which seemed to humour him "And why are you here?"

"I'm looking for Stefan Salvatore. He and Damon seem to picking away at my hybrids which isn't the best since I can easily end their existence." He shrugged his shoulders as talking about nothing special.

"Well, Stefan isn't on the best mental grounds right now so I'd recommend leaving him alone," I hiccuped and burped afterwards "So if you'll excuse me."

Taking sloppy steps, I attempted to go past Klaus but I completely forgot there was a step to take and fell forward.

Well, I would've fallen flat on my face if Klaus didn't catch me.

"Ugh." I murmured, my liking the feeling that hit my stomach from the sudden stop of Klaus grabbing onto my waist.

"Bathroom." I muttered, blinking my eyes rapidly to clear my blurring vision.

It seemed Klaus understood what was happening as the next thing I knew I was crouched over a toilet I didn't recognise.

"I'll see you later sweetheart." Klaus smirked as I caught the side of his face before he waltzed out the room.

The churning in my stomach grew and the next thing I knew I was hurling my guts up into the nice, clean, white toilet.

I felt bad though, I didn't know who's room this was.

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