A Blast from the Past 5

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"I've always dreamed this day would come! PriParis, a whole PriPara city filled with fashion!" Yui spread her arms as if she was hugging the big city, "I've always dreamed of ambling down the Champs-Pharisees and admiring Parisian fashion, indulging in expressos in cafes! Yume, my dreams are about to come true!"

Mana smiled at Yui's dreamy state before looking around the whole city. Being there made her feel melancholy. She turned her head to the Eiffel tower. That place is where she saved PriParis with all her friends... Could she call them that anymore?

"Ouch, yume-gomen."

Mana turned around. Turned out, when Yui was in her dreamy state, she accidentally bumped into someone - a local. Yui tried to apologize but the person became angrier.

Mana came to the rescue, "Désolé pour mon amie, elle ne parle pas français," she explained, "Elle a dit désolé."

"Hmph!" The stranger then walked away.

Yui turned to Mana, "I never knew you knew French," she commented.

"My, I must approve of how educated you are." "Yeah, that was a full mark," Miichiru and Nino acknowledged.

Mana gave a small chuckle, "Only a little. It was a must for me to learn other languages."

"Bonjour, I see you've all gathered," Meganii and Meganee arrived at the scene to greet them.

"Yume-Konichiwa!" Yui stepped in, "We'd love you to yume-adopt the IdolTime system!"

"Pardonnez mademoiselle, unfortunately, that decision is out of my hands."

"What? I thought all the Meganii-sans are in charge of the system," Mana asked, "and in this case shouldn't it be you, Parinii-san?"

"Apparently, "a poser like you is not fit to manage the system"," Parinee-san informed, "and now he's been turned into a figurehead"

"Merci beaucoup for summing that up."

"Yume? Who could be saying that?"

"That would be me," a red carpet rolled out as Tricolore made their appearance; Hibiki, of course, led them, "Shikyoin Hibiki. And don't think I'll accept an unknown system that easily!"

"Hibiki-sama this is the girls from Paparajuku," Andou introduced them

"It's a yume-honor to be yume-acquainted with you," Yui began, "Yumekawa Yui, yume-yoroshiku no yumekawaii!"

"Some new gobi, I see. It's rather formidable," Hibiki muttered.

"Time for a thumb war!" Nino decided to begin a little competition herself, much to Hibiki's limited tolerance, "Looks like Nino wins this round! You sure are a pushover!"

And of course, this made Hibiki more than a little bit annoyed.

"I, Miichiru, can feel it! You have a noble scent, the same as I do! In your past life, you were a sweet potato native to Pu, wreathed to a purple aura."

And Hibiki was fed up with it, "Get out, all of you! Get out of PriParis this instant! I refused to acknowledge such a system from an uncultured backwoods area!"

"Yume-what!" "No way!" "How rude of you!"

"Hibiki-san, everyone has come such a long way, why don't you give them a chance?" "That's right, Maho-chan." Fuwari and Falulu helped Hibiki calm down.

Hibiki sighed, "So be it," she said before she turned her gaze to the purple hair girl "Hmm? You," she looked at her intensely, "You haven't told me your name yet."

Mana, who had been frozen silent, spoke, "Ah, right. Mana desu, yoroshiku ne gaishimasu!" she bowed.

"At least one of you is civilized," Hibiki commented. "Well then, how about we settle this matter with a fight of shows? If one of you triumphs against one of us, I will consider adopting your IdolTime system."

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