Forgotten Dreamer 6

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A/N - I suggest watching the Idol Time PriPara episode 33 to have some context or a clearer storyline for this chapter. Either way, enjoy! :)


"yume!" She blinked out of her thoughts,

"Yui, you barely eat your onigiri, is there something wrong?"

"Yume gomen, I guess I have too much in my head," Yui sighed, "I still haven't been able to reach out to Nino since it's the summer sports season. And after what happened at the treasure-hunting event I need to fulfill Falala's wish as fast as I can."


"Hey, look over there," Mikan pointed, "All those girls are going home-nano."

"I wonder if they missed Garmageddon's show,'' Yui mumbled.

"If they indeed missed our performances then, may they go to the depths of hell for their lack of taste but why would their ignorance have to do with them mindlessly leaving PriPara?"

Yui and Mana looked at each other before Yui said, "Minna, we have to yume-tell you something."

End of flashback

"I yume-forgot to ask Nino and Miichiru about forming the team because of the yume-excitement of the event"

"Hey," Laala put her hand on Yui's shoulder, "you don't have to deal with all that alone."

"Yeah, and it looks like help has just arrived," Suzu pointed a finger behind them.

"Nino!" Yui immediately ran to her as soon as she saw her friend's arrival.

"Yui wait!"

But it was too late. Yui was already out of the cafeteria.

The three upperclassmen laughed.

"She's such a handful," Suzu commented

Laala giggled, "Yeah, but that's how I know she's Yui."

"How do you keep up with her energy?"

"Honestly, she reminds me of me a year or two ago."

"Really?" Suzu was surprised, "Don't get me wrong you're weird at times (sometimes gutsy when it comes to it) but you're more reserved and quiet"

"Manaka Laala, running around school chasing trouble? My, oh, my, what changed?" Hana teased.

Laala rubbed her neck as her eyes wavered, but she still forced a smile on her face.

This is when her friend noticed a crack on her mask.

Laala always has a comeback for their usual friendly teasing, but this time their friend seemed to take it personally. But before they say whatever they want to say...

"Manaka-san," a voice called

"Mitaka-san, ohayo," Laala greeted them back, while her friends try to hold their fangirl-ing, "Takase-san and Shougo mo"

"Ohayo ladies. Manaka-san, could we borrow you and Yui-san? We want to discuss the competition that we plan."


"Ne Laala, where's that baka, anyway?" Asked Shougo.

"She ran off. You guys just missed her," Laala smiled, "I will meet you once I get her."

"That idiot," Shougo mumbled.

"We'll see you at the back of the cafeteria," WITH waved goodbye

"And I'll better find her," Laala was about to stand up when she saw her friends giving her a look, "What?

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