Forgotten Dreamers

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A/N - In this chapter I'm going to squish episode 48-50. And since I'm sure everyone knows that this book is more or less just like the anime, there will be many time skip. Anyway, enjoy!

Everyone stood as silent and frozen as the giant that stood in the middle of the town that held their friend inside him. The stones and rumbles of the previously knocked out buildings laid messily across the town that create their dreams. The post-accident of the paradise told more or less of what everyone felt.

This is not what Yui wanted.

A helicopter came to view from a distance. MyDre looked at each other and decided to check it out. Meganee and Meganii were already waiting at the place where the helicopter landed.

Girls and mascots got out.

'SoLaMi Smile-senpai and Dressing Pafe-senpai?'

"Minna-san, thank you for coming to our aid. We're deeply sorry for this occurrence," Meganii and Meganee bowed to apologize.

Mirei stepped forward, "Don't worry about it Meganii-san, it's our duty afterall as a Kami Idol to help PriPara," she turned to Sophie as she nodded.

"And ain't no way we're missing this, right Leona," claimed Dorothy with her head up high, "Now tell us, WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE AND WHY IS THERE A BIG FRIKIN' MONSTER FROZEN IN THE MIDDLE OF PRIPARA!"

An explanation and many failed attempts later

"It might be impossible - the clock tower has stopped," Falala reasoned, "Pakku must think he's alone and doesn't want to hear anyone's voice so he stopped his own time."

"so, you're saying that we cannot affect a world whose time has stopped,"Meganii confirmed, "we can't break the window or break in to help Mana-san."

"Is there anything we can do?"

"How can we restart time once it's stopped?"

"Set time in motion," Mirei went to calculating mode, "that's it-pri!"

"yes, there is but one way"


"we're idols-pri!" exclaimed Mirei, "We have to pri-form! we'll fill our IdolWatch with iines and start time again-pri!"

With that the time spirit used their power to transport everyone to a venue.

Hana and Suzu immediately stood on the stage, "we will perform first!"

The hand clock moved forward slowly before it stopped. "it advanced!"

"Yes, all according to my calculation-pri," Mirei claimed "from what I've heard, Yui-chan and the others awakened falala-chan from her long sleep by moving the clock tower's hand with the power of concerts. Then when it gets to twelve o'clock, pakku will surely be moving-pri."

"we can yume-save them both!"

"Alright! time to put on more shows than Paparajuku PriPara have ever done!"

Parajuku mascots flew to SoLaMi Smile, "show us what divine idols can really do-usa! we're counting on you both-kuma!"

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