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Alana didn't know how she made it back to the hospital. She couldn't hear the nurses calling her name as she rushed past the nurses' station. Nothing stopped her till she was inside his room with the door shut behind her. Alana didn't greet him as she always does, nor she did spare him a glance.

She was on a mission. She came for a specific reason.

Alana headed to the room's corner and pulled the stack of files that were long forgotten there on the table. His medical files that Alana gave up on before she made it to his first few years of hibernation. Alana shuffled through the files till she found the one from his first year. Hesitantly, her hand opened the file to the very first page. The record of the day he came to this hospital.

Alana started reading the paper, unaware of how the weather was changing outside. She couldn't hear the fine raindrops patting the window behind her. Other sounds took over her ears. The man's voice telling her someone was hurt. Miyoung's voice telling her he was one of the first hibernation patients they got nine years ago before there was even a department for those sleeping ones.

Tears started rolling down her cheeks as she got deeper into the records of that day. Alana felt her throat tightens, that gulping down was a hard task for her. In the middle of all of that, her mark dared to tingle. Her eyes caught a word, a specific word, that made her suddenly gasp and drop the file from her hand.

The next thing she felt was the mark burning up, eating her neck, clawing her throat, and squeezing it so that Alana was almost suffocating, gasping for air. Alana started pulling on the hoodie she was wearing, unzipping it as if it was going to help her breathe. Her feet wobbled to the door before she opens it and rushes outside, to the terrace. She needed air.

Once she was out, she gasped again, trying to fill her lungs with air. Alana made her way to the bench facing the railings, hoping she could rest there and breathe, but her legs betrayed her, and gave up before she could reach that bench. She fell to her knees and then leaned forward, letting her arms hold her weight and stop her face from crashing to the floor.

She was crying. She was sobbing. But she couldn't feel her tears. She was already drenched with rain from head to toe. She didn't even know it was raining on her. She felt numb to the world outside her brain. Her brain, finally, collected the puzzle pieces.

Her Lost Prince was on that field when the hell broke.

When the sky went crazy.

He was taking photos of the peaceful scenery when the world turned upside down. The photos of the field and the gloomy sky weren't taken in different seasons as she thought. They were on the same exact day. Maybe they were just a few seconds apart.

The black photo with the streak of light wasn't corrupted. It was the last photo he took before he got caught in the storm. Before he was struck by the lightning.

He was almost electrified.

When help arrived, the poor boy was already lying limp on the street unconscious, with a broken camera by his side. A few buildings were damaged and a whole field was on fire.

"H-He .. He. He was a vi-ctim." Alana could finally voice out. "He is a victim of that day." She said among the sobs that left her trembling lips. "His life was messed up on the same exact day just like me and Sky." She whispered.

Alana was scolding herself internally for how she never questioned about the day he came to the hospital. About his diagnosis that day. About in what state he came. She never thought deeper about his reaction to rainy and stormy days that was close to hers, except that he couldn't express it as she could.

The last thought that crossed her mind made her finally snap out and get alerted to her surroundings. It was raining! It was raining and she was out there. She was supposed to be panicking but she wasn't thinking about herself. She was thinking about the sleeping one who might be panicking inside his body without being able to voice it out. He was confined. He was prisoned in his own body!

Alana could hold a grip of herself. She needed to go back to him. It wasn't a storm. It was just rain but Alana felt the urge of being by his side, knowing that he would be feeling at least discomfort till the rain stops.

Alana pushed herself up and stood to her feet. She wiped her face with the sleeve of her damp hoodie and started taking weak steps towards the terrace door. She was almost there but stopped once her ears caught a sound.

A Whimper.

She heard a muffled whine from somewhere. Looking right and left, she spotted nothing. Looking up, she spotted something that made her eyes widen.

A shadow. No. It wasn't a shadow this time. It was a body. Something was showing from behind the rooftop's railings. Sparing no time, Alana's feet paddled to the rooftop's door, not caring about the water puddles she was leaving behind her.

As she expected, the door was unlocked. She opened the door revealing the stairs up and then lunged at them. Taking two steps at a time, she finally made it to the door and opened it to step on the rooftop.

It was still raining and Alana's hair was sticking to her face. She pushed her hair away as she strode to where she saw that body. Alana's steps halted once her eyes fell on it.

Fell on him.

Someone was sitting on the floor, hugging himself tightly, that he almost was curled in a ball. His face was buried in his arms and he was crying. Somehow, he sensed her presence and lifted his head up. Before Alana could ever voice a word, he jolted and jumped to his feet. He blinked a few times nervously before he wipes his messy face and pushes his damp black locks out of his puffed eyes.

And Oh Boy! He must be a fallen angel.

"Who are you?" Alana questioned.

The boy's eyes fell to Alana's exposed neck before he meets her gaze again. "Someone who should've vanished."


Here's today's question:
Who do you think the new character is?

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