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Los Angeles, California

Aaron and Gwen were still patrolling the streets of Los Angeles.

Jimmy: (on comms) There's a robbery-in-progress in Well Fargo Bank in Downey. They have hostages.

Gwen: (into her comms) On our way.

They both head to the bank and see several police cruisers, along with SWAT teams. On the scene was George Stacy and Chloe Decker.

Aaron: Captain Stacy, Captain Decker.

Chloe: Flash, Ghost Spider. It's good that you're here. There's about 8 robbers in there that we know of, all armed, and 20 hostages.

Gwen: Any demands?

George: None. We think that they're stalling for time.

Aaron and Gwen then look at each other, then T George an Chloe.

Aaron: Give us a minute.

He and Gwen turn away and whisper to each other.

Gwen: You got a plan?

Aaron: Yeah, I think so. I'll head in there and distract them while you deal with the robbers. If things go haywire, I can get the hostages out quick.

Gwen: I can sneak in from the roof.

Aaron: Good.

The duo then turn to the two police captains.

Gwen: We got it. We'll let you know when it's clear.

She swings up towards the roof of the bank while Aaron phases through the door and walks into the middle of the bank, getting the robbers' attention.

Robber: HEY! Stay back!

Flash: Easy, guys. I just wanna talk.

Robber: There's nothin' to talk about. Get out of here, or there'll be bodies on the floor.

Aaron then glances at the vent and sees Gwen crawl out of it and begin crawling up the walls.

Aaron: You do realize that everything's digital now, right? I mean, you guys would be lucky to find actual cash.

Gwen then webs up a robber and traps him in a cocoon, before doing the same with another, all while remaining unnoticed.

Robber: I'm not playin' games with you. Unless you want these people dead, you better leave.

Gwen then webs up three more robbers unnoticed.

Aaron: How are you gonna get out once you get what you want? The building's surrounded from all sides. What, are you planning to get out through the sewers, or are you gonna use some Juggernaut suits and shoot your way out?

Gwen webs up one more robber, leaving the one Aaron is talking to left.

Robber: What's it to you?

Aaron: (smirks) Because it won't work either way.

Robber: And why's that?

Aaron: Look behind you.

The robber turns around and sees that his partners are all webbed up. He turns around in a panic, only to be met with a punch from Aaron, knocking the robber out.

Gwen: Nice work.

Aaron: (chuckles) Nah, you did all the heavy lifting.

He then calls George.

𝙍𝙪𝙣 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙄𝙄 (𝙈𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙊𝘾)Where stories live. Discover now