Dreadful [Job]

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The receptionist looked at him carefully, then asked him again, "You're a first rank adventurer? But this is your first [Job] acquisition?"

Vosh, who's been observing her slight expressions as apart of his new facial expression research reconfirms his request, "Yes. How do I do that exactly?"

When he asked Amanda about it she told him to ask the guild receptionist, so he was hopeful she knew but he saw the hint of disbelief in the receptionist's expression.

"I'm sorry if I seem a bit confused, it's just that it's rather uncommon for beings of first rank status to never have undergone a [Job] acquisition before. Please come this way." She directs him around the counter and in to a back room.

Vosh looked back just in time to notice that a different receptionist already took her place, which he found interesting since she was nowhere in sight mere moments ago. "The receptionists may actually be really strong?" He thinks to himself.

He's escorted through a hallway filled with oddly shaped doors. He recognized this hallway from all the times he had his rank tested monthly, which he couldn't seem to go past rank 1.

You see, there's the numbered ranks first and foremost starting from ten all the way to one as the highest. Amanda and the party are all level four except for Vosh, yet, despite being so close in rank  the disparity in strength is enough for them to surrender to him immediately after seeing his strength.

To that extent, Vosh couldn't beat a person in the lettered ranks no matter how much he tried. Even the weakest lettered ranks beat him without using more than five skills on average.

The lettered ranks would go from F to SSS and even beyond that were the star ranks which were the highest. Ten star being the strongest but in the city of [Atlatude] the strongest being was only [SSS].

"To that extent, the [Conceptuals] are ten star threats easily. Though from what I've studied, it's mostly because of how odd their magic abilities are rather than how destructive their.... More normal abilities are. One of the [Conceptuals] named after his magic called [Surprise Barter] once traded the [Weight] of every soul in a city for a tree branch and since none of the citizens were even aware a soul had [Weight] much less think it has subjective value as well as no knowledge of there even being a deal of that sort ended up with souls dissolving out of their bodies, instantly committing mass genocide." Vosh thinks to himself, pondering what could have possibly pissed off a person so much they evict an entire city of their souls.

While zoned out in thought he's escorted to a room with a crystal.

"This is a [Job Status Crystal], created by the ancient races to help citizens change their [Jobs]. It's free for adventurers to use but it costs money for citizens. Feel free to use it, I will take my leave and wait outside so I can update your adventurer ID." She bows then closes the door astutely.

Vosh looks around the room. No painting or any decorations were seen. Just a crystal ball on a thin metal stand in a concrete room.

Vosh puts his hand on it and feels the same foreign [Existence] wash over him from when he was trying to make his avatar body.

[I'm trying to help your avatar. Could you please not reject me?]

"Oh it's [God]. Its been a while. How are things?"

[I must share this aspect of my omnipresence with your makeshift soul in order to change your job. I am not trying to harm you in any way.]

"Oh. Thats what that is? You created [Extra Forces] just to aid with something like this? How efficient. Fine I guess."

[Thank you for your cooperation. Please enjoy the benefits of being God's Chosen]

Suddenly a blue screen pops up in front of him showing a long list of jobs

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