Chp. 1 - Stranger Waking (Prologue)

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[A/n: Yuu and Y/n are not the same person but Y/n will still be in a few scenes.]

Y/n P.O.V

It was a calm and warm day today, uncle Satoshi and uncle Tatsuya paid us a visit since Kumo told them she had something important to inform them about during a phone call two days ago, "Hey, Uncle Satoshi, uncle Tatsuya..." Kumo mumbled, "Yes, darling?" Satoshi acknowledged with a sweet tone, "We're planning to attend the infamous NRC.. If we have permission from you.." Kumo announced as she hung her head low afraid of how they would react, "WHAT?!" Tatsuya exclaimed, "Are you sure?" Satoshi asked us, "Satoshi, you're letting them join that all boys school?!" Tatsuya pointed out surprised that he would agree, "We're sure." I answered with a stern voice, "Yes, I'm letting them join Tatsuya. It's their choice if they want to join, and you heard what Y/n said. They are sure that they want to attend NRC." Satoshi said to Tatsuya, "You have to let them do what they want for once. Plus, you're just being overprotective." Satoshi added as he placed his hand on Tatsuya's shoulder, "Fine, you have our permission. And I am certainly NOT overprotective." Tatsuya inquired as he sighed, "Really?" Kumo asked with a more cheerful voice, "Yes, you have our permission to attend NRC." Satoshi replied with a smile, "But, do bring these books with you, it will help you in the future." Tatsuya added as he handed us a book about the '810 rules of the queen of hearts', 'the seven dorms in NRC', 'the great seven', 'Overblot reincarnations and phantoms' and 'RSA, NRC's rival school', "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kumo said as she hugged our caretakers, "You're welcome, sweetie." Satoshi muttered to Kumo as he hugged her back, "If there are any boys making you uncomfortable, I give you the permission to beat them up." Tatsuya added as he looked at us with a look of approval, "Girls, it's time to pack!" I cheered with the others as we went to our room and pack up our stuff, Kumo kept the books in her bag as we brought some of our essentials, too bad we had to leave our familiars here but Yūki can just teleport them over or they can use the teleportation spell we taught them. We had some Katsudon for dinner, after that we went to sleep with our bags in hand, hoping for the best as today was the day of the freshmen selection.

??? P.O.V

Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor...

My proud, beautiful flower of evil.

You are truly the fairest one of all.

O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat...

Reveal unto me the visage I seek...

As the three slept with their bags in hand, they dreamed of being brought to a mansion looking place by a carriage.

You, whose image the Dark Mirror did beckon forth...

If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.


As flames reduce even the stars to ash

As ice seals away even time itself

As great trees swallow even the sky

Fear not the power of darkness.

Now—demonstrate your power.

The mirror flashed a bright blinding light.

To me. To them. To yourself.

the hour grows long, and time is scarce.

Keep steady your grip, no matter what may come...

{ Prologue: Welcome to the Villains' world }

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