Chp. 18 - An Endless Hunt (Prologue)

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Y/n P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night just to see that Kumo wasn't on her bed, "Wait, where is Kumo? Oh well, I need not be this worried she'll come back.. eventually." I mumbled to myself as I went back to sleep wondering where Kumo might be.

Yuu P.O.V

We were finally out of the mines as we were close by the small hut we went into not long ago, "Are you kiddin' me?! It's still coming it pushed off all that weight!" Ace exclaimed, "Ooooooooogh...! Giiive it baaaaack...!" the monster groaned, "It's too fast! It's about to catch us!" Deuce shouted, "But we've weakened it! If we strike now..." I trailed off, "Aw, fine! Let's just smash that thing! Try not to wet yourself, Deucey!" Ace added, "Same to you, Ace." Deuce retorted, "I'm gonna show ya why they call me Grim the Great!" Grim exclaimed as he sent out a wave of fire.

Time skip - After the fight ~

"*Pant* *Pant* ..." Deuce panted, "Is it... Over?" Ace asked, "I think... we won? I think we did it!" Grim cheered, "Alright!" Deuce cheered happily, "Woohoo!" Ace also cheered happily, "Gimme a victory high-five!" Grim exclaimed, "Yeah!" the three cheered as we all high-fived [A/n: if that's even a word], "We're all really good friends, huh?" I asked, "Uh... I don't think that had anything to do with it." Deuce spoke as realization hit the three, "Yeah! Spare us the clichés, Yuu!" Ace exclaimed, "There's no 'together' here! We won 'cause of me! This is all from me bein' a magical genius!" Grim commented, "Y'know... I'd hate to admit it, but... We mostly won because of your plan." Ace admitted, "Yeah... If you hadn't managed to keep your cool and tell us all what to do, we never would have got this magestone. Now I won't get expelled. And wow, is THAT a relief!" Deuce said, "We won because we all worked together." I added, "Yeah, yeah, lessons are learned, etcetera. can we just go home already? I'm wiped." Ace asked, "Usin' all that magic made me hungry! Huh? What's this?" Grim hummed, "Is that apart of the monster we just beat? It looks like... a magestone? But it's black as coal! I've never seen one like that before." Deuce added, "*Sniff* *Sniff* What IS this? It smells amazing!" Grim commented, "Are you insane?" Ace asked, "Must be some kinda fancy monster candy that it was hidin' from us! If this tastes half as good as it smells... *Chomp*" Grim spoke before he ate the crystal whole, "Did you seriously just eat that?!" I asked shocked, "MYAAH!" Grim suddenly shouted, "Are you okay?!" Deuce asked, "That's what you get for eating trash!" Ace spoke, "Oooooogh... Urrrgggh... That... was AMAZING!" Grim chimed happily, "What?!" Deuce and Ace exclaimed in sync, "Rich in flavor and full-bodied... Like sweet, fragrant flowers burstin' into bloom on my tongue. A whole field of 'em! Right in my mouth!" Grim commented cheerfully, "Gross. Monsters must have real weird tastes." Ace added, "You might be onto something there... Most humans don't take random stuff they find on the ground and just pop it into their mouths." Deuce replied, "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked worried, "Myaha ha ha ha! Man, was that great! Don't worry about me. I don't got a weak stomach like you humans do." Grim spoke happily, "Hmph. We'll see if you're so smug when you're sick later tonight." Ace retorted, "Okay, let's pull ourselves together. We need to get this magestone to the headmage!" Deuce reminded us as we all went through the mirror to get back to campus.

??? P.O.V

"I feel like I'm gonna puke-" I spoke as I covered my mouth with my paws as I listened to the groups conversation, "Well I have to follow them if I wanna know what's happening, but first I need an invisibility spell casted on myself." I said as I casted a invisibility spell on myself.


















A/n: Second chapter of the day! Can you guess who ??? is? If so please comment your guesses, I know this might be a little too late but please vote and comment on my chapters. I'd really appreciate that, plus I get to know you all more by just conversing to you all practically. But nonetheless, I hope you all have a great day/night or whatever time it is for you all!

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