Chp. 16 - Egos Clashing (Prologue)

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Y/n P.O.V

"Hey, wake up. Hey! Get up you sleepy head!" Yūki exclaimed as she shook Kumo awake, "I'm up..! jeez..." Kumo mumbled as she rubbed the tiredness away from her eyes and adjusted to the lighting, "Did you forget there was a meteor shower going on?" I spoke, "Ouh yeah... Come on let's get on our balcony." Kumo added as she opened the doors that led to the balcony, "Uwahh~! Look at that it's a meteor shower! Come on let's all make a wish this is probably a once in a lifetime chance that there's a meteor shower here!" Kumo cheered as she clasped her hands together, "May our years here be fun and adventurous..." I mumbled out, "May we make new friends during our years here..." Kumo mumbled out, "May we win all our 50/50's in Genshin.." Yūki mumbled, "Let's take a picture of this shall we?" I asked, "I'm already on it." Kumo replied as she took a picture of the scenery, "Now let's take it together." Yūki suggested as we all huddled up close to the balconies railing, "Say cheese!" Kumo cheered as we all did a peace sign and smiled, "I wonder if Che'nya is seeing this.." Kumo added after she took the pictures and kept them in her photo album I didn't know she had, "Hey.. Why are you speaking of Che'nya so much recently? Is there something bothering you? I know you often talk about him when you miss him or when there's something wrong." I asked, "It's nothing. Just a bit nostalgic lately." Kumo answered, "Do you want to cuddle with your familiars? I can bring them here and I can also bring the others here too, for extra comfort." Yūki suggested, "That would be lovely." Kumo replied as Yūki teleported our familiars' into our room, "How are my dear?" Kumo asked her familiar, Yuri happily slithered up her form and sat snuggled around Kumo's neck, "Awh, I missed you too." Kumo mumbled as Yuri lightly nuzzled her head against Kumo's cheek, "Hello, Kori." I greeted as Kori sat on my shoulder, hooting softly, "My kitty~" Yūki cheered softly as she picked up Yukio into her arms, "Now that they're all here... We should head to sleep." I answered as I yawned, "We still have school tomorrow." Yūki added, "Right." Kumo replied, "G'night then." Kumo uttered as she laid on her bed, Yuri laying by the side of her pillow, "Night night." I replied as Kori sat by the lamp, Kumo was already fast asleep, "How long has it been she feel asleep so quickly again?" I asked, "Like a few years ago after our friendship anniversary celebration." Yūki answered, "Yeah, after that day she never seem to have slept so peacefully." I added, "Her dream realm seems to be plagued by nightmares made from her fear and trauma." Yūki commented, "Do you mean... her past family?" I asked, "Mhmm" Yūki hummed, "Well that was before she was sent to the orphanage, unlike the two of us she wasn't abandoned by her family when she was only a few months old. Her family often argued about small little mistakes they make it's either the way they speak or the words they said, Kumo was stuck in the middle of every argument they had, N/n. The good thing was that her aunt found out how bad the environment it is to Kumo as her aunt sent her to the orphanage we resided in. After that she seem to be more open and cheerful in the orphanage doing what she wants and comforting the other younger kids, who suffered the same fate as her." Yūki explained, "Poor Kumo... But let's not talk about that, let the past be the past, let's focus on the present and near future." I spoke trying to lighten up the mood, "You're right, but other than that we should head to bed." Yūki suggested, her cat already snuggled by her side on bed, "Alright then, goodnight." I uttered as we both went to bed with our familiars by our side.






















A/n: It's been so long since I updated TwT Studies has been hard on me so I hope y'all can understand what I'm going through rn, I'm also suffering from the case of writer's block and I honestly hate myself for it QwQ but other than that I hope you all have a great day/night or whatever time it is for you ^^

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