Chp. 19 - A Lesson Learned (Prologue)

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Yuu P.O.V

After we got back to campus we showed Crowley the magestone, "Pardon?! You're telling me you actually went to the Dwarf's Mine in search of a magestone?" The headmage asked shocked, "Uh...? Yes?" we all answered in sync, "I didn't expect you'd seriously do it. And never in my wildest imaginings did I think you would actually return with a magestone! And here I spent all evening preparing your expulsion documents." Crowley answered [A/n: Kumo hiding in the background be like: ╬ ̄へ ̄], "Are you serious?! While we were fightin' some crazy monster for you, you were expelling us?!" Grim exclaimed angrily, " 'Monster' ...?" Crowley asked, "Yeah. There was a monster, alright. A big, nasty one. It nearly killed us!" Ace replied, "Would you kindly relate this story in full?" Crowley asked as we went into his office to explain the whole situation.

After explaining~

"Hmmm. So a mysterious monster was living in the mines. And the four of you worked together to destroy it, and then brought back the magestone back to me?" Crowley asked, "I don't know I'd call it 'working together'." Ace commented, "It was more like we shared the same goals at the same time..." Deuce added, "Oh, gracious... Ohhh... Ohhhhhhhhh! *Sobbing*" Crowley spoke as he started sobbing, "What is this guy's deal? Burstin' into tears in public? At his age?!" Grim asked shocked, "In all the decades I've worked in this school... The day has finally come when the students of Night Raven College have joined hands together to defeat a common foe!" Crowley added, "Whoa! No! No way I would join hands with that guy!" Deuce exclaimed, "Okay, one, there was no joining of hands. Gross. And two, exactly HOW old are you, Headmage?" Ace asked after his statement, "At this moment, I'm moved beyond words. This incident has proven my hopes were justified. Yuu, my doubts are allayed! For you... You possess the talents of a beastmaster!" Crowley exclaimed, "A... Beastmaster?!" I replied shocked, "My students have all been selected by the Dark Mirror for their exceptional talent and potential. But great talent begets great pride and big egos. Most are so self-reliant and self-centered that they never even consider cooperating with others." Crowley explained, "You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Grim commented, "But you, Yuu, possess no magic. Yet in spite of that— or perhaps because of it— You were able to convince those who CAN use magic to work together for a common goal. The everyday, humdrum mundanity you possess may be exactly what Night Raven College needs!" Crowley exclaimed, "But... None of those words are good things?" Ace asked, "Yuu... I am convinced people like you are necessary for the future of this school. My educator's intuition tells me so. Trappola, Spade— I hereby revoke your pending expulsions! Furthermore, Yuu... I am granting you the qualifications necessary to attend school at Night Raven College!" Crowley announced, "What?!" Ace, Deuce and Grim exclaimed in shock, "As an actual student?!" I followed along in shock, "Of course, this is extraordinary gracious of me. However there is one condition. Your inability to use magic is, for a mage, unacceptable. You would not be able to adequately pursue the school's curriculum! As for you, Grim... Your actions today made it clear that you possess sufficient talent to become a mage. In light of the total sum of your respective circumstances, you and Yuu will share a single enrollment at Night Raven College." Crowley stated, "Myah! I... I'll get to go to this school? As an actual student? Not a janitor?!" Grim asked shocked, "Correct. However! There must be no more incidents like the one that occurred today. Are we clear?" Crowley asked after his statement, "Myah... Myah... Yuu... I... I finally..." Grim spoke as if he was about to cry out of joy, "I'm so happy for you!" I cheered truly happy that we got enrolled to this school, "MYAAAAAH! I FINALLY DID IT!" Grim cheered happily, "Accordingly, I will now present Grim the magestone that is issued to every student here." Crowley added, "Heh! A magestone, eh?!" Grim exclaimed as his ribbon now has a magestone tied onto it, "It is typically attached to the 'magic pen' that each student uses. But I suspect your paws cannot handle implements. Therefore, I have a custom solution for you. Is it possible that I am, in fact, too gracious?" Crowley asked after his statement, "Ah, sweet! I look awesome! A magestone collar, to be worn only by the legendary archmage, Grim!" Grim added cheerfully, "You're not listening to anything I say, are you? Yuu. As you can plainly see, Grim remains oblivious to the customs of human society. You are to keep a tight rein on Grim and ensure there are no further incidents!" Crowley stated, "Wow, that's quite the promotion. From janitor to student to prefect, all in a span of a day." Ace commented, "Oh, I see. So if your dorm is just you two... And the Headmage is putting you in charge of Grim, that makes you... the dorm prefect." Deuce added, "Well, that's gotta be a Night Raven first! A magic-less prefect? But sure, why not? Whatever works!" Ace spoke, "I'll do my best" I stated, "Heh heh heh. Good luck to you, magic-less Prefect!" Ace chimed in, "I'm not sure if I'm cut out for this..." I muttered, "Good luck to you, magic-less Prefect. Let's see the same spirit you showed us in Dwarf's Mine!" Deuce spoke, "Ah. Yes. I suppose that does make you a prefect. I just so happen to have a job for you, and that title will make it all the easier to foist... er, I mean, congratulations! Now, I have something for you. This is called a ghost camera." Crowley added as he took out a camera, "Ghost?" I asked curious about the anonymous object, "Ooh, my grandma's told me about those. Those are, like, super old magic items, right?" Ace asked, "I would hardly consider them 'super old...' Ahem. But it may indeed have been invented when your great or great-great-great grandmother was a child." Crowley explained, "It's a camera enchanted with a special kind of magic. It enables the user to photograph not just the subject's physical form, but parts of their soul itself" Crowley continued to explain, "Wait... that sounds... sketchy." Deuce commented, "They're called Memories" the headmage explained, "Here's the thing: when the soulbond between photographer and subject deepens..." Crowley trailed off, "The Memories captured in this magic camera's photos jumping out!" Crowley added, "Soulbond?" I asked, "When the photographer and subject grow closer, their photographs grow animated like videos... And sometimes the photographs takes on corporeal form and slip out. Is that not what you youths would call 'wicked keen'?" Crowley asked, "That almost sounds like ghost photography!" Deuce spoke shocked, "You're correct, hence the name 'ghost camera'." Crowley jested, "I understand it was developed as a more vivid way to capture moments in time, in an age before video. As Spade observed, in days of yore, when people saw Memories jumping out of photos, they would get spooked and yell 'ghosts!'. I've heard many a tale of people who were deathly scared of being photographed by such cameras." Crowley explained, "This tech sounds like way more trouble than it's worth." Ace pointed out, "Yuu. I would like you to photograph Grim and the other students with this camera and make a record of your campus life." Crowley spoke, "Myah ha haaa! Sounds like the perfect way to immortalize all my finest moments!" Grim cheered happily, "Ahem... Make especially certain to capture the mischief caused by certain students who struggle with impulse control. Keeping a photographic journal sounds far less tedious than writing my lengthy reports, wouldn't you agree? As a prefect, consider it your duty to maintain a sharp eye on your surroundings and record them. Note how gracious I'm being in providing a rare magical item that even someone like yourself can use. Is my graciousness not beyond all reckoning?" Crowley added, "Thank you, sir." I thanked the headmage, "The hours has grown late, so further details shall have to wait till the morrow. You are all dismissed. Return to your dorms." Crowley said, "Goodnight, sir." Deuce said as we all went out of his office.

??? P.O.V

"*Yawn* Well that was a long conversation!" I mumbled as I yawned, 'Sheeesh, the headmage's crying was somewhat torturous. And the times he keep saying the word 'gracious' I feel like punching him so bad right now..' I thought as I walked out of the headmage's office.

















A/n: Well third chapter of the day! I have like 13% on my laptop right now, so I hope you all have a great day/night or whatever time it is for you!

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