Chp. 8 - First Day At School (Prologue)

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Y/n P.O.V

I woke up just to see Kumo already in her uniform with her mask fixed on her face and packing up her pencil bag, her magic note book that can store infinite information, the books uncle Tatsuya gave us and her phone, "Oh, you're awake. Yūki is doing her morning routine in the bathroom, so you'll have to wait but I think she should be out any minute now." Kumo began as Yūki walked out the bathroom with her mask on, "Speak of the devil" Kumo added with a small smile, "Wha—?" Yūki asked with a confused expression, "Oh nothing." Kumo answered, "Oh well, I'm going to do my morning routine. See you two later." I spoke as I went in to the bathroom.

Yūki's mask:

Yūki's mask:

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Y/n's mask:

[A/n: If you don't like the color, you can change it to one of your liking

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[A/n: If you don't like the color, you can change it to one of your liking.]

After I finished up my morning, I walked to the dining table just to see Yūki and the others sitting in their seats while Kumo was in the kitchen cooking up something that smells delicious with Malleus also giving Malleus some tips on cooking teaching him how to make pancakes look golden brown, "Woah... The food smells so delicious." I said as I sat down on my seat looking at my breakfast, "And the finishing touch.. Ta-daa! It's done." Kumo said happily as took out two trays with pancakes on plates, Malleus helped Kumo put the pancakes on the table.

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"How—" I looked at the pancake confused, "Let's just say I woke up early to prepare breakfast before I went in our room to pack my bag." Kumo answered as she placed a plate in front of me, "Thanks for the food." I thankec her, "No problem." Kumo responded as she finished giving everyone their breakfast, "Lilia-san, are skates allowed in campus?" Kumo asked Lilia, "I think you can have skates in campus but why do you ask?" Lilia asked after he answered Kumo, "I was just curious." Kumo replied as she switched her shoes with her blue themed kick-roller shoes, "What do you think you're doing?" Yūki asked as Kumo finished had already finished up her breakfast, "Oh you know, the usual skating through school halls thing." Kumo responded as she cleaned her dishes and grabbed her bag, "You guys coming or not?" Kumo asked as she kicked her skates out, "Coming!" I spoke as I placed my dishes along with Yūki's dishes in the sink and cleaning them, after I finished cleaning them I ran up to Kumo along with Yūki, "Girls it's too early to go to campus!" Lilia added to the girls that were at the door, "We're going to be alright! Don't worry about us!" we responded in sync as we walked out the door to head to school.

Time Skip~

When we arrived at school grounds, Kumo immediately started looking around the place in awe, "Woah~ This place is so pretty!" Kumo exclaimed happily, "It indeed is really pretty." Yūki spoke agreeing with Kumo's statement, "Wait, let me do something." Kumo added as she took a box out of her bag, "Look what I've got~" Kumo spoke with a sly smile as she revealed a bunch of apples inside the box, "Are these uncle Satoshi's apples?" I asked as I remembered that uncle Satoshi had a fruit farm, "Mhm!" Kumo hummed as she nodded, "We can eat these during lunch." Kumo went on as she closed the box and kept it in her bag, "Since we have time why not explore main street?" I suggested, "Oh the place where there are statues of the great seven!" Yūki exclaimed, "Let's go then!" Kumo cheered as she started skating to main street, "Hey wait up!" Yūki exclaimed as she took my hand and went after Kumo. 'I wonder how this day will go..' I thought as I kept up my pace. Kumo was roaming around the place looking at anything she finds pretty or interesting like how she did when we were young, 'Oh how I wish to relive those sweet memories we made again...' I thought to myself as I smiled, "Hm? What are you thinking about N/n?" Kumo asked as she plucked a few roses and made three flower crowns, "Oh, I'm just thinking about the memories we made together." I answered, "Oh how I want to relive the memories we made.." Yūki muttered as she let out a sigh, "There, now we all have flower crowns." Kumo giggled as she placed the flower crowns on me and Yūki's head after she wore hers, "Come on we should get going, if we want to head to main street before class." I added as we all walked together heading towards main street. Kumo had white roses in her flower crown, as Yūki had light pink roses in hers, while I had yellow roses in mine. We all walked together chatting about different subjects that first came to mind as well as a few sudden questions and challenges in the conversation.






















A/n: Another short chapter, I'll be making some chapters like this since I want to save up some time and actually post more chapters in one day if I had time. All and all, I wish you all have a great nice day/night or whatever time it is for you!

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