Chp. 1~5 - A Class Escape (The Rose-Red Tyrant)

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Y/n P.O.V

{Period 1: Potionology}

We all entered the laboratory and got to our places,  "Ah. You must be my new homeroom students. Hm, that's quite the unusual coat of fur. Do make sure you arrive properly groomed. My name is Divus Crewel. You may call me Master Crewel. Now, take your seats. Class is about to begin. We're going to start with the basics. And by that, I mean beating the names and characteristics of one hundred herbs and poisons into your tiny brains." Crewel stated as took out his heeling stick, "The mycelia are another matter. But eventually I'm hopeful you'll be able to take a walk without putting anything poisonous into your gaping maws. For now, I realize you have all the self-control of ferocious hounds. But I will not abide a single student failing this class. Expect to be drilled accordingly." Crewel added with a smile, "Huh. So... Does anyone know what a mycelia is?" Deuce asked, we were a table beside the four, "I've never been one for like, memorizing what things are, ya know?" Ace answered, "A mycelia is a root-like structure of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching, thread-like hyphae. Fungal colonies composed of mycelium are found in and on soil and many other substrates." Kumo answered Deuce's question, "Thanks...?" Deuce looked at our table, "All I care about is how to tell the yummy plants from the yucky ones" Grim commented nonchalantly.

{Period 2: History of Magic}

"No trouble making... Yet." Kumo kept a keen eye on the four, "You don't have to take things this seriously, Kumo." Yūki sighed softly as Kumo has been glancing at the four every so often, "I am your History of Magic teacher, Mozus Trein. And this is my familiar, Lucius." Trein introduced, "You are here to learn the rich history of magic, and how it sculpted the world which you now so easily take for granted." Trein stated before his cat growled, "I grade based on classroom behaviour as well as the quality of work. Don't let me catch you sleeping. Now let us open our books to page fifteen. This section concerns about the magestones found in the Dwarf's Mine..." Trein explained, "Mrrrrooowww..." Lucius meowed grumpily, "As knowledge and awareness of magical energy began to spread across the globe from this point, this year is considered Year One of the Magic Era." It seem that Trein has started teaching, "Mrrrrooowww... *yawn*" Lucius meowed before yawning, "This is going to be a very long day..." Kumo uttered, "Fascinating... "Dwarf's Mine"... Mhm mhm... "magic energy"..." Deuce mumbled after Ace yawned in boredom, "Huh... Interesting." I uttered as I took down some notes, "Maaan... When do we get the classes where we can blow things up with magic?" Grim groaned in boredom.

{Period 3: P.E.}

At the field, "This place is huge...." Yūki uttered as we arrived at the field, "I'm Coach Vargas, and physically educating your feeble little bodies is my responsibility. Great sorcery begins with a great physique! Behold the muscles you can build with a diet of raw eggs! A great mage needs a great physical constitution! So gimme twenty laps and a hundred push-ups!" Vargas commanded, "Raw eggs? Ew. Who the heck would want to raw eggs?" Kumo was disgusted by the idea of eating raw eggs as a diet, "Our coach apparently." I answered, "Bro thinks he's Gaston from Beauty and the Beast or something." Yūki commented, "Bleah, forced exercise is bad enough, but meatheads like this guy drive me nuts." Ace sighed, "Finally, a subject I'm good at!" Deuce puts his fist in his palm, "Explain to me the appeal of runnin' around in circles! Do I look like a hamster?" Grim complained.

{Break time}

Yuu P.O.V

"Let's see our next class is..." Deuce checked our schedule, "This so-called magical academy feels a lot like a lame, ordinary school. It's not exactly what I expected,  but at least this collar won't be much of a problem after all. You with me on that, Grim? ...Hm?" Ace looked around, "Huh? Where'd Grim go?" I looked around the halls, "Oh! Look out the window! I just saw a ball of fur running across the yard!" Deuce pointed out as Grim ran, "No way I'm puttin' up with this boring routine day in and day out. I'm Grim, Sorcerer Prodigy, and I don't need anyone to teach me how to blow stuff up!" Grim spoke smugly as he ran, "He's cutting class on the first day?!" I looked out the window as Grim continued to run in campus, "Boy, that guy is not a fast learner." Deuce sighs, "Not a good look to lose your only student on your first day as a prefect. Want help catching him?" Ace had a smug look on his face, "Yes, thank you!" I thanked the two, "I do love the chocolate croissants at the co-op!" Ace jested, "I'd do for an iced latte at the cafeteria." Deuce spoke with a small smile, "Grrrr..." I thanked them too early it seems, "Grim's getting away... Do we have a deal or not?" Ace had that smug look on his face again, "Done and done!" I huffed in defeat, "Pleasure doing business. Now, Deuce, shall we clean up the mess made by the worst prefect to ever step foot on campus?" Ace jeered, "I can already taste that latte, Ace." Now Deuce had a smug look on his face. And off we went to bring back Grim.

Narrator P.O.V

"Better head to class and be a good lil' Grim-lin if you know what's good for you." Ace was holding a very big net, "Myah?! You're not really gonna haul me back, are ya?!" Grim was not happy about, "For freebies? I'd haul you back twice!" Deuce said smugly, "What does the even MEAN?! No way I'm goin' back to those dumb, boring classes! You can't make me!" Grim growled before running away, the two chased him until he stopped at a distance, "You two are SO annoying!" Grim groaned, "Are you ready to throw it in and behave for the prefect?" Deuce asked with a quirked brow, "I said no, and I MEANT IT!" Grim then let out a puff of blue fire, "YIKES" Ace yelped, "I expected some difficulty but this is just ridiculous!" Deuce sighed before they continued to chase Grim, "Got'cha!" Ace swung his net, "I summon thee, cauldron!" Deuce summoned a cauldron that fell on top of Grim, "MYAH?!" Grim exclaimed, "Score one swank lunch for us!" Ace cheered, "Back to class you go, Grim." Deuce stated sternly, "Ohhh, sure. NOW you guys are in sync..." Grim groaned.

Y/n P.O.V

"I wonder where they went." Kumo pondered as we walked, "I think I just saw Ace and Deuce catching Grim?" I answered, "What for?" Kumo looked at me, "Probably cause Grim tried to skip class or something."  Yūki sighed, "That's possible." I nodded lightly, "Oh well, either way I am to make sure they don't get into any trouble, if they can handle it I won't step in on anything. Not without you two anyways." Kumo uttered as headed off to our next class before lunch break.















A/n: I'm sure you all noticed how my writing style differed from the past, that's because I've started learning a bit of writing tips from Pinterest which helps greatly when I write. And I'll be most likely busy with studying since I have exams, so I'll only be able to write on the weekends. I hope you all understand. Either way, I hope you all have a lovely day/night or whatever time it is for you. See you all next time ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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