Chp. 4 - Recollection Blanking (Prologue)

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Y/n P.O.V

Soon we arrived at Diasomnia Dorm, "Welcome to Diasomnia Dorm, girls." Lilia remarked with a smile, "Woah... This place looks so cool!" Kumo exclaimed as she looked around the place, "Oh, you haven't seen everything yet. This is just the front gates." Lilia added as he led us and the group of students inside, "This place looks like a palace!" I commented clearly surprised, "Now Silver here, will lead you three to your rooms and show you around the place as I will be helping the other students." Lilia spoke as a boy with silver hair stood beside him, "Alright then Lilia-san, go help the other students now.. you don't want the students to roam too far now do you?" Kumo ushers Lilia to help the other students, "Well then, I'll leave you three with Silver!" Lilia added as he left to help the other students, "Fa—er, Lilia-san has told me a lot about you three. He seems to have a taken liking towards you three." the boy named 'Silver' commented, "Hah..? He talks about us?" Kumo asked as she adjusted her mask a little, "Yes, he does talk a lot about you three. When I was young he would always talk about how you three got used to his surprises and cooking whenever he visited your humble abode." Silver responded, "Ah... The sweet sweet memories.. Has Lilia-san's cooking improved?" I asked, "Sadly, no." Silver spoke, "Oh well, let's not waste time now shall we? Let's get this tour started."  Yūki stated, "Oh, right." Silver replied as he guided us through the dorm and told us about the places in the dorm and our room. After the tour, we bid Silver goodbye and headed to our room, "Well that was one hell of a tour... This place is really big huh. Oh well, time to decorate this room!" Kumo exclaimed as she decorated our shared room in the taste we agreed on, we shared a big room since we were already known as the 'Star Crossed Trio' from all the rumors spreading around the world like wild fire. After decorating the room in the style we like, it was dinner time and it was surprisingly Lilia's cooking on the table as they separately sat in a chair, "Lilia-san, you're cooking today?" Kumo asked, "Yes indeed, we have cooking duty everyday and we take turns cooking. Now, that you three are here, we all cook three meals each day. I cook first, Mallues cooks second, Silver cooks third, Sebek cooks fourth, Y/n cooks fifth, Yūki cooks sixth and Kumo cooks seventh." Lilia spoke with a smile, "Lilia-san mind telling me who is Sebek and Mallues?" Kumo asked Lilia, "Oh my! I haven't introduced you to them yet! Sebek is the one with green hair and as for Malleus, you should know who I'm talking about after I pointed out who Sebek is." Lilia stated with a small smile, "Sebek Zigvolt! It is a pleasure meeting you three!" the green haired boy named 'Sebek' fully introduced himself, "And I assume you must be the 'Mallues Draconia' everyone seems to be talking about in the ceremony. I'm Kumo Obayashi, it's a pleasure to meet you." Kumo beamed, "My name is Y/n L/n and the one beside me is Yūki Hanaki" I added, "It's a pleasure to meet you all." Yūki spoke with a smile, "It is nice to meet you all too." Mallues remarked with a small smile, "Oh well, it's been quite a long time since I've tasted Lilia-san's cooking now.." Kumo mumbled as she took a spoon full of Lilia's food shifting the taste of it, "Wait—" Silver spoke but before he could stop Kumo, she already ate the some what burnt looking food, "Hmm! You're cooking is as delicious as the old times Lilia-san!" Kumo praised Lilia, "Really?" Lilia asked with a slightly cheerful tone, "Mhm!" Kumo hummed in delight as she took another bite of the food, "Oh well, time to eat." I added as I took a spoonful of Lilia's cooking, on the other hand Kumo was taking her sweet time shifting the taste of everyone's food to the taste of actual fried rice, "Indeed, the taste of your food is as the same as the old times, Lilia-san." Yūki stated with a smile as I nodded in agreement, "How—" Silver asked confused, "You guys should really try eating Lilia's food, it's yummy! I promise!" Kumo cheered, "Don't worry, Kumo shifted the taste of Lilia-san's food. It isn't poisonous, I can promise you that."  Yūki spoke to the other three telepathically, the other three then took a bite, "This is surprisingly delicious." Silver muttered surprised, "Indeed." Malleus stated, "Lilia-sama, you're food tastes incredibly delicious!" Sebek praised Lilia with his booming voice, "Oh my poor ears.." Kumo mumbled as she covered her fox like ears that were laying flat on her head, "Oh my.. I forgot to tell them." I mumbled, "Kumo are your ears alright?" Yūki asked as she patted Kumo's head, "This is not the time for fluffin' head pats!" Kumo spoke with a salty tone, "Oh well, let's continue eating our meal." I stated as we all ate our dinner.
























A/n: Since Yuu exists Y/n won't be in most of the scenes Yuu is personally in. I hope you all won't mind that I'm creating half the story with my own creativity, but there are still some chapters that are canon. Oh well, I hope you all have a great day/night or whatever time it is for you!

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