Chp. 1~2 - A Misappropriated Tart (The Rose-Red Tyrant)

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Y/n P.O.V

"WHAT?!" I woke up hearing Kumo shout into her phone, "Yes, you heard me. You three are changing classes." a voice from the other side of the phone spoke, "What do you mean change classes?! It's only like the second day! You better give me an explanation, Crowley!" Kumo exclaimed putting her magic pen into her uniform pocket with her free hand, "I need you three to keep a keen eye on Yuu and Grim. Just to make sure they don't cause any more trouble." Crowley explained, "You- Ugh... Fine. But you better not be shifting our classes again. Is changing classes even a thing here?" Kumo stated, "To answer your question, no. But, do not worry it won't happen again. Now I'll let you go back to doing whatever you're doing. I'll send you the new school schedule, for I am graciou-" before Crowley could finish Kumo hanged up, "That son of a bitch.. I swear I might just roast him one day." Kumo spoke menacingly, "Ayo, Kumo boutta commit first degree murder." Yūki added as she came out of the bathroom in her uniform with her mask on, "Yeah, what about it?" Kumo asked with sarcasm, "You'll go to jail." I answered as I rubbed my eyes, "How long were you awake for?" Kumo asked, "From when you shouted the word 'what' into your phone." I answered as I got up and went into the bathroom to wash my face, "I'll just go and pack up for the new schedule." Yūki added, "I'll go do that too." Kumo nodded as she followed Yūki. After I finished my morning routine and wore my mask, I went to pack up for the new schedule since Yūki written the new schedule on our small whiteboard hanging on the wall. I walked to the dinning table ate two pieces of toast and set off to find Yūki and Kumo, who were at the lounge room. Kumo looked in my direction with her mask slightly above her mouth, "Heya, N/n. Ready to go?" Kumo asked as she took a sip of whatever she was drinking, "Yep." I answered, "Let's go then." Yūki said as she stood up, "Mhmm." Kumo hummed in agreement as we all left to go back to campus. After we arrived at school, we went straight to our new class, "I love my coffee." Kumo spoke as she took another sip of her said 'coffee', "Ayo, how much coffee do you have?" I asked her, "Hmm... Two bottles." Kumo answered as she took out another bottle of coffee from her bag, "Don't blame us when you get high on caffeine." Yūki said as we all sat down on our chosen seats, "Don't worry I won't get high. But do you guys know what club y'all joining yet?" Kumo asked, "Not really." I answered, "I don't know, should we stick together or not?" Yūki asked, "I take interest in basketball, mountain lovers and light music club." Kumo answered, "I like board game and light music club." Yūki added, "I have a feel for horse riding and light music club" I joined in, "My main choice is basketball club" Kumo jested, "board game club" Yūki answered bluntly, "horse riding club for me!" I cheered happily, "Oh well, even if we don't see each other during club activities we can see each other after club activities." Kumo jeered cheerfully, "Other than the fact you can't see your furry friend anymore, I think you're going to be just fine." Yūki spoke reassuringly, "Hey! I-It's not like that!" Kumo answered denying Yūki's accusation, "Oh so you're saying that the fact you always play with his tail 'isn't like that'?" I spoke with a devilish grin, "W-well, it's not you're thinking about!" Kumo retorted as she started blushing from embarrassment, "Whatever you say Kumo~" I teased, "But still you're denying the fact that you're somewhat friends with him is cause of his tail." Yūki added, "Ya got no proof. None." Kumo stated, "Ouh~ so you sayin' this pic of you fluffing his tail during free period is fake?" Yūki jested with a mischievous grin, "You- That's blackmail!" Kumo exclaimed her face almost as red as a tomato, "Oh look at how red you are." I teased Kumo, "Y'all are mean.." Kumo groaned, "We're just stating facts." Yūki added, "Whatever." Kumo uttered as she pouted, "I think that's enough teasing for today." I spoke as I chuckled at Kumo's actions, "Wait- Why does everything look blurry?" Kumo asked, "Don't you have your contacts on?" I asked Kumo, "I lost them didn't I?" Kumo mumbled as she reach into her bag, "Yep. I lost my contacts." Kumo added as she only pulled out her glasses, "Take your mask off or else you can't wear your glasses." Yūki stated, "What?! No! I'd rather see every inch of this world in a blurry view than to take down mask and wear glasses just so I can see." Kumo said as she crossed her arms, "Just wear them on your mask then." I suggested, "Hell no! I'll look weird." Kumo explained, "Who told you to lose your contacts. Now just wear 'em before I force 'em on ya." Yūki spoke, "Fine..." Kumo mumbled as she put her glasses on her mask [A/n: If that even make sense.], "I look awfully ridiculous." Kumo added as she pushed her glasses further up just to see properly.

Yuu P.O.V

We arrived at Main Street, "Move it! Outta the way! Night Raven College student comin' through! Oh? Did my collar catch your eye? It is way better than the one your stuck with! You know, the one that makes it so you can't use magic? But hey, the school could always use another janitor! Bwahahaha!" Grim laughed at Ace who was collared, "Way to take the high road, Grim." I commented, "Grrrrr! Trust me Grim, when I get my magic back, your hide is first up on the chopping block!" Ace spoke through gritted teeth, "Didn't the headmage JUST tell you yesterday, no more incidents? Regardless, you're not going to be able to participate in class if you can't use magic. So why not just apologize to the housewarden? It's a small price to pay for having the collar removed." Deuce suggested, "Aaaaargh! I hate this so! SO! Much!" Ace exclaimed, "Hmm. Ya know, we do still have some time to kill before class starts. And I'm kinda curious about the other dorms. Guess I'll go along and scope out the place while you make with the groveling." Grim spoke, "Since when did this become a field trip?!" Ace exclaimed as we all started walking to the mirror chamber.

Twisted Wonderland Secrets

☆ The three girls tied their hair in a more chinese cultural style to make it look more natural

☆ Kumo has sight problems, 600+ vision (If that make sense)

☆ Y/n is trying her best to hold in her laughter and not laugh at how funny Kumo looks

☆ Yūki is concerned on how much caffeine Kumo drinks

☆ Jack let's Kumo fluff his tail because he likes it even though he doesn't show it














A/n: Hope y'all enjoy this chapter! As always please vote and comment on what you think about this chapter! I'll probably upload another chapter after I charge my laptop which is on 34% right now :'> Nonetheless I hope you all have a great day/night or whatever time it is for you! See you all in the next chapter.

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