Chp. 5 - A Perplexing Puzzle (Prologue)

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Y/n P.O.V

After dinner, we went to our room and started unpacking since we used our time to decorate our room instead of unpacking, "I really want to do some studying right now." Kumo spoke, "Same here." I agreed with Kumo, "Why don't we read those books uncle Tatsuya gave us." Yūki suggested, "Alright!" Kumo beamed as she took out the books, "hm.... Let's read about 'the great seven', '810 rules of the queen of hearts' and 'the seven dorms in NRC'." Kumo muttered as she took the three books, "Alright then let's start our reading marathon." Yūki stated as we all gathered together and started reading the three thick books. After a few hours someone walked through our door, we looked up just to see Malleus and Lilia, "What are you three doing staying up this late?" Lilia asked us in a parental way, "We're reading?" I spoke with an unsure tone, "You know you three should really get a clock and go to bed, it's getting late. And here I got the cookies you three like" Lilia added as he closed the book we were currently reading 'the seven dorms in NRC' and gave Kumo a small bag of cookies, "Thanks, dad." Kumo chimed as she took the small bag of cookies from Lilia, "Why is everyone staring at me?" Kumo asked as she placed down the bag of cookies on the coffee table, "You just called Lilia-san 'Dad'. You said 'Thanks dad'." I responded, "What?! No I didn't! I said 'Thanks man'." Kumo denied my accusation, "Do you see me as a father figure Kumo?" Lilia asked, "No, if anything I see you as a bother figure since you're always scaring me when I'm not on guard." Kumo commented, "Hey! Show your father some respect." Yūki remarked, "I didn't call him 'Dad'!" Kumo exclaimed, "No, no, no, no Kumo. I take it as a compliment." Lilia responded, "It's not a big deal~ I called Mary mom once and she's my fiancé." Akio commented as he popped out of nowhere, "Guys, jump on that! Akio has psycho-sexual issues!" Kumo spoke as she looked at him, "Old news! But you calling Lilia-san 'Daddy'-" Mary appeared beside Akio before she could finish her sentence I cut her off, "Hey, 'Daddy' is not on the table here." I stated as the two disappeared right after, "But you did call Lilia-san 'Dad', dude." Yūki spoke, "You shut up. You've done nothing but lie since you got here." Kumo stated, "Alright, alright I lied about me not eating your snacks. But the 'Dad' thing, that happened." Yūki added with a grin, "Ha ha! She admitted she ate my snacks. It was a trap. All part of my crazy, devious plan." Kumo rejoiced,  "I believe you." Lilia began, "Thank you." Kumo replied, "Son." Lilia added, "You wanna talk about it tomorrow over a game of catch?" Lilia went on with a grin [A/n: If yk, then yk.], "Not you too, Lilia-san!" Kumo exclaimed, "Alright, alright enough with that. It's time for you three to sleep." Lilia spoke, "Okay, goodnight." I answered cheerfully, "Goodnight to you too." Lilia added as he and Malleus walked out of the room. We went to bed after that.

Time skip - In the middle of the night [A/n: in my dreams--]

I woke up in the middle of the night, hearing mumbling and muttering. I sat up and rubbed away the tiredness just to see Kumo and Yūki reading the book 'The 810 Rules Of The Queen Of Hearts' memorizing every rule they read in their head [A/n: Y/n, Yūki and Kumo all have good memory since they were young and that was quite a good thing to them since they can easily remember the things they want to remember. Though at times they tend to take quite a certain amount of time to remember one thing.], "What are you two doing?" I asked them, "We're almost done just five more rules to go." Kumo replied, "Are you two seriously memorizing the 810 rules from the book?!" I asked them surprised, "You saw what happened to the weasel at the entrance ceremony, Riddle took away his magic. And I don't want to offend him either since he is the dorm leader of Heartslabyul." Kumo replied as Yūki was memorizing the rules with her, "Are you two serious?! It's twelve at midnight right now and we went to bed at nine!" I whisper shouted at them with worry laced in my tone, "Don't worry we'll be fine. Plus we're already done while you were talking." Yūki spoke with a sly smile, "You two are done? Finally. Now go to bed!" I exclaimed as I threw a pillow at the two, "Alright! Alright! We'll go to sleep!" Kumo replied as she threw the pillow back at me, "Good." I stated, "Goodnight guys." Yūki spoke as she walked up to her bed and laid down on it, "May tomorrow be a good first day at school." Kumo mumbled as we all went to bed.


Before their studying marathon~

"Hey guys, do you think the students here other than Lili-chan know we're girls? Because the dark mirror certainly looked like it doesn't know anything." I began, "That is what I was thinking about." Kumo replied, "Then let's pay the headmage a visit." Yūki spoke, "Teleport us there." I suggested, "Yeah! Do that ritual thing you always do when we teleport!" Kumo beamed, "Okay, okay calm down. I'll teleport us to the headmage's office." Yūki stated as she teleported us there with a snap off her fingers, "Hello, Crowley!" Kumo chimed cheerfully as we arrived at his office, "Oh hello, is there something you three need help with?" Crowley asked as he closed the book he was reading and placing it on his desk, "Well we're just here to tell you something." I answered, "Can we stay here even though we're girls?" Kumo spoke getting straight to the point, "Well, you three can stay here until the end of you graduate, for I am gracious." Crowley added, "And please don't tell the other students here. We want them to find out by themselves." Yūki stated, "I'll inform the other staff about this then and make sure they don't tell the students about this." Crowley responded, "I'll text Lilia-san about this and make sure he doesn't accidentally tell anyone else." Kumo s as she texted Lilia to not tell the other students about our actual gender since we wanted the others to find out by themselves. After that we bid the headmage goodbye and teleported back to our dorm room.

























A/n: Sorry for the short chapter, I'm kinda running out of ideas right now. But all and all, I hope you like this chapter! I hope you have a great day/night or whatever time it is for you!

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