The Paper

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( For clarification Y/n is a 23 year old male and ill be using they/he pronouns if referenced by others, This will be written in 1st person. Also id love feedback if I screw up a name or leave one out as its been a hot minute since I've watched spooky month.)

( for those of you here for the smut skip ahead to parts 8 & 10.  Another round of smut comes in part 12 and part 13)

                                                         Y/ns Pov

"That'll be 25.99", I looked up and smiled at Kevin while sliding the cash towards him. Kevin grumbled something under his breath and took the cash, I took the two mixed bags of candy and said "Have a happy Halloween Kevin!" before exiting the candy club.

Ahh, October, the greatest month of the year. Home to perfect weather, the best movies, and quite possibly the best holiday ever to be implemented. Its also the only time of year I can freely gush about everything gory ghastly and true crime and get away with it because that's just how it is this time of year. As I walked down the sidewalk I thought about what I would do for Halloween, which was just one day away. My thoughts were interrupted as I approached my porch because there was a newspaper sitting on it with what appeared to be a sticky note on top. I frowned at it while unlocking my house and went inside to put the candy on the counter. Id seen enough Dateline and Forensic files to know that you don't touch strange items left on your porch without protection. After setting the bags down I found my box of latex gloves and slipped them on to go get the newspaper. I brought the newspaper inside and removed the note to read later, The headline read "Escape of the Red Devil". I skimmed through the newspaper and was shocked to read that a serial cannibal originate from this small town. I was also surprised that I haven't heard of this "red devil" yet even though id just moved here not three months ago, after all it seemed like something that wouldn't die down very quickly.  I couldn't say I wasn't intrigued, True crime has always been one of my obsessions and hearing that I lived in a town where not only a serial killer lived but also a serial cannibal lived made me have a newfound love for my new home. That's when my brain suddenly remembered the note that was attached to the newspaper. I look over at the pink sticky note and carefully picked it up to read, It read " Halloweens just one day away, Ill be seeing you soon little lamb" The words were punctuated with a drawn image of a devil.  

This ... this was serious now, The newspaper never said whether or not he was recaptured and I barely knew anybody. Kevin is to apathetic to care about pranks and streber doesn't have the heart, Plus when they have work off they are both too busy being gay to bother anybody else. Maybe it was Roy ... But that doesn't make sense either, I haven't done much to piss off the little shit and anyway he knows I could give him a proper beatdown. But ... If this wasn't a prank then my life was genuinely on the line. I love true crime as much as the next unstable 23 year old but Id never expect that Id be INSIDE of a true crime story.  If this wasn't a joke and was 100% real then apparently I had one day to prepare for this guys arrival, I instantly packed the newspaper away and went upstairs. I dug around in my closet and found my gun safe, I unlocked it and removed the sleek shiny pistol. I made sure it was loaded and placed it in my dresser, I didn't have a concealed carry license yet so I couldn't have it on me. What I could have on me though is my 3 inch pocketknife, I set it on top of my dresser so that I would remember to clip it to my belt tomorrow and on Halloween. I was not gonna let some red wearing psychotic cannibal ruin my favorite time of year.  

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