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He had left and I was now alone in my house. I didn't know what to do, should I ...  should I call the police? I could, He was gone now and my phone was just upstairs. The thought made me feel gross, It didn't feel right going behind his back like that. It doesn't feel right going behind anybody's back but this just felt, deeper. I decided that I would respect his irrational trust and stay in the house and not call anybody.  I thought about what to do, I didn't really do much in-house activity since normally I could leave and do something but obviously that isn't the case today. An idea hit my head and I walked back into my Livingroom, I picked bobs original sweater off the ground and placed it on the table. I went and got a bowl of soapy water and the previous bottle of hydrogen peroxide. I then quickly shot upstairs and grabbed a sewing kit and red thread.  I set the kit down and then placed a towel underneath the sweater, I turned on some true crime show to watch as I worked, I soaked the bloody spots in hydrogen peroxide to get most of the blood off. I then put the spot in the bowl of water to wash out whatever the peroxide didn't get out, Id done an alright job. I snipped off a little frayed edge and then put the sweater in the dryer, I started trying to color match the thread to the colors I had. I found the perfect color and threaded the needle for when the sweater was done drying. I sat back and watched the tv while waiting for the sweater to be done.

While sewing the sweater I heard the door open and I turned my head around. Bob was back and he had several bags of lots of food. It was more than I could afford In a month, "Hi bob" I said as I turned my head back to the sweater, I need to make sure all the stitches were placed perfectly so It looked right. He said nothing as he packed everything away, he then walked into the living room and sat on the couch. ~ Id like to cook tonight~ I look up at him slightly nervous, "that's fine ... your ... your not still mad are you?" he looked at me and when he saw I looked nervous and on edge his face looked guilty, like he felt bad. ~ n .. no sweetheart I ... I wasn't angry or nothin' I was just ... I dunno m' sorry~ I set the sweater and stuff down and then hugged his arm softly, " Its ok". He grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap, he wrapped his arms around me, I laid on his chest for a minute. He was incredibly comfortable and comforting, I sat up and rearranged myself so that I was sitting cross-legged between his legs. I leaned forward and grabbed the sweater to keep sewing it up. He looked down and hesitantly placed his hands around my waist as he lowered his chin onto my head. He looked down at what I was doing, ~ oh your fixin' my sweater~  I smiled while beginning my stitching again, " yeah, I just wanted to fix it as a sorry for stabbing you, plus it gave me something to do while you were gone" he frowned and lifted his head. ~its fine, you were only reacting~ He gently squeezed my waist and leaned down to whisper in my ear, ~ as long as you never do it again, or else I might have to stab back~ the way he said it made me flustered and as he leaned back I felt my face get hot.  I returned to my work and he watched the tv, We stayed in place for a few more hours just entertaining ourselves until the clock on my microwave hit 6:00 pm. Bob stood up and went to the kitchen, ~ I'm going to be cooking from now on, I would die if I had to live off of instant noodles and fast food~ I snickered ," I haven't died yet" ~ that's because you haven't eaten real food in probably your whole life sweetheart~  I said nothing because it was true, my mother was a horrible cook and my dad never took a single step into the kitchen because of gender roles and * insert Mormon values here.* I smiled and finished sewing finally, I flipped the sweater right side out and made sure it looked fine. I placed my perfect handywork on the coffee table and then went to the kitchen to watch bob cook. watching him cook was surprisingly calming and peaceful, It also smelled very good, much better then the food normally eaten in the house. I couldn't wait to see what he was making.

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