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I woke up very late the next morning, I checked the time and realized it was 11 am. I groaned and hopped out of bed, My mood instantly shifted when I remembered  what day it was. It was Halloween! finally after 365 days of waiting it was upon me again. I was not gonna let some devil masked creep ruin my one true will to live, I threw on some spooky clothes and dragged a box out of my basement. I needed to put out the outside decorations, of course the inside of my house was fully decorated but I took pride in my outdoor decor and didn't want it to get ruined or weathered over the month.  After setting up all the outdoor decorations I checked the time and it was 12:30, I figured I should eat something because my stomach was in actual agony. I turned on the stove and cracked open a box of premade pancake mix, I mixed the mix (lol) and began flipping some pancakes. I layered them on the plate, poured some syrup and made them look real fancy and sprinkled some reese's pieces on top as an extra fuck you to my diabetes ( he doesn't have diabetes he's joking). I took one bite and it instantly solidified that my day was going to be great no matter what happens.  

It was now 5:45, The alarm would go off soon and release the children. I threw on my costume and put candy in the bowl with seconds to spare, I noticed that a bag was open and half was missing which was strange. I ignored it though as the Halloween siren went off and the children began flooding the sidewalks.( don't know if its like this in other places but we have an alarm that goes off to let kids know to start trick-r-treating.)  I heard knocking at the door and I opened it, "TRICK OR TREAT!" some kids yelled, holding out their bags for candy. I dropped some into all the bags and complimented their costumes. This continued for the rest of Halloween, By the end I was pretty drained and a tad bit upset because I couldn't spend it how I imagined. I took off my costume but didn't wash the makeup off, I just grabbed my phone and went outside for my walk. I only put one earbud in because I was still worried that the newspaper wasn't a joke even though at this point it probably was. I looked down at my phone not even able to enjoy my walk because of how this Halloween turned out, suddenly a shadow loomed over me and I looked up. A red figure loomed over me holding a shiny kitchen knife. 

~Hello little lamb~

I screamed, I screamed louder then I've ever screamed in my life. Before the Looming red figure could react my soul returned to my body and went into fight mode, I grabbed his knife by the blade, causing my wound to reopen and deepen a bit. I yanked it out of his hand, flipped it to hold it by the handle and stabbed it into his left arm. He growled from the pain and grabbed the knife by the handle but I was already gone, he might as well have called me sonic because that's how fast I was running. I ran into my house and slammed the door, In my pain and panic I stupidly forgot to lock it. I bolted upstairs and with my last dying braincell went to hide in the closet instead of grab the preloaded gun Id placed in my dresser just a day earlier. I heard my downstairs door creak open and heavy footsteps on my stairs. ~ I don't appreciate you attackin' me like that sweetheart, that's no way to treat a guest now is it~ I put my hand over my mouth and held my breath, his footsteps stopped Infront of the closet and I didn't hear anything. Tears fell down my cheeks as blood from my hands went past my lips into my mouth. Suddenly the closet burst open and I was lifted into the air, He had grabbed me by my collar and was holding me up to his face. I didn't have the lung power to scream so I just whimpered as his knife was raised close to my neck, but didn't touch. He smiled this large Psychotic smile and said ~ I'm expecting an apology for stabbin' me little lamb, That was very uncalled for~  I was so terrified I couldn't make a sound and I squeezed my eyes shut instead while trembling, blood from my hand dripping to the floor. ~ Well?~ his voice got harsher ~ I'm getting Impatient, you'd don't want me to punish you now... do you?~ My eyes widened and I furiously nodded while saying "N- No! I'm S s sorry! I'm sorry ! I'm sorry!"  ~ now now, no need to be scared sweetheart~ He said as he lowered me to the floor ~ Now how about you fix up your hand, and then you can patch up my shoulder, and if you do I good job I might even let you Go~ I was still shaking and looking at the floor still trying to process what was happening. I felt his hand grab my chin and he lifted my head to look him in the eyes, there was something about his eyes that made me feel... calm ~ How's that sound?~ I looked away from his eyes and stammered "O ... Okay." He smiled and let go of my chin, ~ very good, Ill be waiting downstairs, don't take too long sweetheart~ He turned and left the room, going downstairs. I looked at the floor and ... 

Began to ... BLUSH!? 

~|Bathed In Red|~  A bob velseb X readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang