Dom gone sub

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(this chapter is gonna be LONG AF and that's for many reasons. One reason is because I want this to be organic and healthy, we aren't gonna jump cut straight to the dirty and squirty because there needs to be communication. Two this is supposed to be educational to a certain degree, I don't want this to just be a straight up gross yaoi porn thing without correct things. I hope you all aren't disappointed in the fact that this isn't your run of the mill jump cut to smut. Also since nobody suggested anything I decided to wing it! hope this is adequate.  With love - me.) 

Bob choked and sat back, his face going completely red. He coughed and covered his mouth, I sat up making sure he was ok, "oh are you ok!? I- I'm sorry for asking ..." bobs eyes were wide and his face was hot. He mumbled something through his hand but I couldn't hear him, "w-what did you say?" He moved his hand to the side of his face, ~I-I've never ... done t-that be ...f-for ~ I patted him on the back and gently took his other hand in mine, "Does that mean you don't want to?" he shook his head, ~n-no I ... ~  I could tell he was having trouble finding words, "let me guess, you want to but your worried because you never have before?" Bob nodded, ~I don't ... wanna disappoint you~ I sighed, gently I took his face in my hands and laid back. I placed his head on my chest, He made himself comfortable, he gently placed his hands on my thighs and settled down. "Comfy?" He nodded, "good, do you want to talk about it now or wait a little bit?" he thought for a moment before his face went red ~we ... we can talk about it~ I gently petted his hair and drove my fingers through it, "well, to start you could never disappoint me bob. Believe me after some of the things I've seen or heard you could never. secondly id like to know specifically what your worried about or want to know." bob smiled softly, obviously encouraged by my words. He thought for a moment, I patiently waited for him to speak, I wanted him to be open with me and for that to happen he needed to be comfortable and understood. ~I'm ... I'm not sure I like the idea of not being in control, and I ... I wouldn't even know where to start I- I've never ... y -y'know ...~ I gently caressed his neck as I thought of a reply, "well bob, the thing about being a sub is that its all about you. You call the shots really because you are the person in the vulnerable position. And sweety, everybody has to start somewhere ... I really don't mind that you never have before as a long time ago I was in your position." bob looked up at me and smiled, I could tell that my words had made him feel better, ~gosh sweetheart, thank you. I- .... wont lie that I'm ..nervous, I want to, but I'm nervous~, "well I expect you to be, If you truly want too there's some things we need to do and make sure your ok with them. Its not as simple as being dominant is."

Bob nodded his head. "alright, now c'mon sit up, your going to squish me." Bobs face went red and he chuckled as he pushed himself off of me, we both sat up and faced each other. "well before I say anything id like to hear what you know." Bob fidgeted his hands and he looked away for a moment, his nervousness was cute. ~well ....I you have to ... p-prepare yourself .... and um ... uh ... I think - that's it ...~ he looked embarrassed. "that's ok! a lot of people don't even know that and treat it like a vagina so you already know more then most!" bob smiled nervously, "now ill fill in some blanks here, obviously you have to prepare a man for penetration but here's the good part, you don't actually have to stick a dick in a man to have sex!" bobs face got really red and he looked confused, ~wha - what?~. I smiled, "well sex, my sweet summer child is simply the act of doing anything sexual, it doesn't have to be intercourse. If you are uncomfortable with the idea of penetration then there's other things we can do to test the waters." bob looked down at his hands for a minute, his face went redder and his eyes widened slightly, ~really!?~ I smiled, his surprise was adorable. "wait here for a moment - " I stood up and went upstairs, grabbing my laptop. I popped back downstairs and sat down next to bob, I opened the laptop, bob had a curious look on his face. I pulled up *insert favorite web browser here* and handed my laptop to bob, "Here since you practically have zero idea what your into you can do some research to see if you find anything you'd like to try! don't be afraid to branch out, ill tell you If I'm uncomfortable doing anything which is highly unlikely." bob hesitated with the laptop in hand, I watched him," don't know where to start?" bob nodded his head, "well try searching ^sex activities^, ^sex positions^ or ^beginner bdsm^ also just search questions you have! this isn't a hardcore research project, just search what comes to mind!". bobs demeaner changed, he looked calmer and his body relaxed, ~thanks sweetheart~, I quickly kissed him on the cheek, "ofcourse, take your time" bob got typing and I turned on the tv.

~|Bathed In Red|~  A bob velseb X readerWhere stories live. Discover now