Job talk

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"are you sure you wanna know? its kinda unconventional ..." ~ If I didn't want to know I wouldn't have asked darlin'~  I frowned slightly, "ok bob, but no judging ok?" he nodded, Id finished bandaging his neck so I slide down to sit in his lap. "I'm a manager at a strip club." bobs eyes widened a bit and a confused look fell across his face. ~ didn't you go to college?~ I nodded, " yep, I did go ... I just haven't had luck getting a job in my field so I went back to my old workplace and got a job there."  bob looked even more confused ~ ... old workplace? were you ...~  " I was a stripper for a time yes, I had to pay my way through school somehow. I'm not anymore though just a manager."  he scratched the back of his head, ~ what job are you lookin for?~  " well I went to school to get a medical degree so that I could do pathology work, this town has a nice morgue but I've having trouble landing a position there." Bob sighed, ~ I see .... so ... your not ... actually dancin"?~  I tilted my head and smiled, "bob .... are you jealous?" His face went red and he stuttered, ~ n-no ~ "bob, its ok! I think its cute!." he relaxed and gently grabbed my arms, ~ thanks sweetheart~  I smiled and then flipped around so that my back was against his chest, I leaned forward to grab the remote and bob held my waist so that I didn't fall. I flipped on the tv and scrolled through the movies my eyes landed on saw, I clicked it and wiggled excitedly. ~ like this movie huh?~ I squeaked with excitement, "Yes! I've loved this series for year! the gore the blood the traps the trauma, its all perfect especially the blood. The blood effects are so good looking it looks like real blood!" Bob placed his hands on my shoulders and I leaned back into him, ~ sounds like you like blood just as much as I do~ I nodded, "yep! I like pretty much everything about it! the color the gore factor ... hell even the taste, I've like the taste of blood since I was a child." bob smiled behind me, ~ is that why you were attached to my neck like a tiny vampire sweetheart~ " mhm"  my attention was snapped back to the screen when the room came onscreen. Bob smiled warmly and then laid back, his arms still holding me against him.

I opened my eyes and blinked, I must've fallen asleep. I was on my side and I could feel bob petting my back, I carefully looked up and saw that bob was looking down at me, he looked so warm and happy and ... full of love. I blushed a bit and turned my head back, I wasn't careful this time and he noticed I was awake. ~ what are you blushin' for darlin'?~  I buried my face into his sweater and mumbled a muffled, "nothin". Bob smiled and held me even tighter, ~ you are adorable~ I smiled and nestled into him.

I woke up again, I looked up and saw bobs eyes were closed, this time we'd both fallen asleep. I admit we didn't get great sleep last night with ... everything ... and we were pretty exhausted. I gently stood up and checked the time, it was 4:pm, still lots of time left in the day. I decided I was in a productive mood and tried to think of something to do to pass the time. I settled on checking my hand for the time being, I plopped down next to bob and slowly unwrapped the bandages, luckily it was healing incredibly well for the trauma it went through, I rewrapped it and then thought about what else to do. As I thought about it I realized that I couldn't do this for another day, I decided I would call my sub and go in a day early. I left the room and went upstairs to get my phone, I briefly spoke to my sub and told them id be coming in a day early. Just as the call was ending I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, bob came into the room right as I had set the phone down. He got a defensive look on face, ~ Who were you callin' ?~  I stayed sitting on my bed, " nobody important. " he got a bit more defensive, ~ id still like to know~ It suddenly hit me what he meant. "bob ... do you really think id call the police on you?" bob folded his arms and looked away from me, a slight scowl on his face. " bob, c'mere" I patted the bed next to me and bob reluctantly sat down next to me. "bob, why would I call the police now? when I could have called them the day you showed up or even alerted them when I got the note?" bobs face softened and turned back to look at me, ~ I-I'm sorry sweetheart, its just .... I ~ I shushed him, "I know, your just worried and I know this isn't a ... conventional relationship ... I understand that your cautious." I wrapped around his arm and hugged it, "and, I was just talking to my substitute at work, I've gotten pretty bored at home so I'm going back a day early." Bob frowned again, ~do I bore you?~ I jumped up and got a worried look on my face, " oh no no no bob, its not you at all. I'm just that type of person who needs to be productive all the time, I get restless, ok?" bob sighed and relaxed a bit, ~alright, sorry I made you worried~ I gently kissed him on the cheek, he smiled at me and then stood up. ~I'm gonna make somthin' to eat now~ "ok ill be down in a minute, just Gotta do something" Bob walked back downstairs and I stood up. 

~|Bathed In Red|~  A bob velseb X readerWhere stories live. Discover now