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About a half hour later I had my neck bandaged and wrapped really nicely, Id disinfected everything and used surgical tape on the parts that were punctured. I walked out into my room and got dressed, I put on some sweatpants and the baggiest sweatshirt I could find before walking downstairs to see what bob was up too. He wasn't in the Livingroom so I picked into the kitchen and there he was, cooking something that smelled amazing. I sat down at the countertop and watched bob, ~ figure something out sweetheart?~  I smiled at him, "not really, but the wounds are treated and covered, I figured id just wear a turtleneck or blame it on my clumsiness." bob turned around with a plate of food and placed it Infront of me, ~you'd look cute in sweater~ my face reddened slightly as I picked up the fork to eat. "maybe so, but not as cute as you" bobs eyelids slanted and he gave me a slight smile, his face grew rosy, ~ eat your food y/n~ I giggled and continued to eat, It tasted good. We ate together peacefully, sun filtering in through the window and Illuminating the room. I stared at bobs face, It really sunk in just how attractive he was, his face practically sparkled in the light. He must have caught me looking at him because he smiled and his face got red, ~ what? something on my face?~  I smiled so wide my eyes closed and I giggled, " Nooooo~ more like the opposite" Bob raised an eyebrow confused, ~ the opposite? what do you mean~ I giggled, " I mean that your face is missing something on it!"  He tilted his head and playfully said, ~ and what would that be darlin'?~  I smiled widely and placed one of my index fingers on the corner of my mouth, "My lips" bob smiled and his face reddened, flustered. ~ well do you want to fix that?~ I nodded my head really fast, bob chuckled and stood to walk around to me. I extended my arms and he picked me up, he held me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I gently leaned in and kissed him, I slowly moved my way down to his neck. I gently kissed his neck and he exhaled, ~ you might want to slow down there sweetheart, my neck might match yours soon~ I giggled, "Its only fair bob, Afterall you made me look like I got the worlds worst case of whiplash" I smiled slightly and chuckled, ~ I suppose so, now then ... don't be afraid to bite, I wanna feel those pretty teeth of yours little lamb~  my face turned red with excitement, I licked his neck and then bite down. He stumbled a bit before catching himself, he moved over to the couch and sat down. He breathed slightly heavy and his face was extra red, ~ If id known you were gonna be that excited I would have sat down before tellin' you that~  I responded by biting down again and this time a small groan escaped his lips. I licked the teeth marks and then returned to gentle kissing, I moved up and down his neck kissing and gently biting. I could tell bob was growing restless with having had a taste of my teeth already, ~sweetheart, Id appreciate if you bit me again~ his voice was slightly frustrated but still gentle, I smiled deviously and removed my mouth from his neck. I started him in the eyes, " say please ... " bob went wide eyed for a split second before giving an amused smile, ~ please bite my neck darlin'~  I gave him a mischievous smile and bent down to his neck again, I slide my left hand up to his shoulder and my right hand up his neck to his chin, I gently tilted his head for better access to his neck. I leaned down and then bit him, hard. I could feel him melt underneath me and he groaned again, this time I had drawn blood. I licked his blood off his neck and even sucked on the wound a bit like a little vampire, I sat back up and licked blood off my lips, I leaned into his face and kissed him again. ~ your full of surprises sweetheart, I didn't know you had a taste for blood~ I kissed him again, "There's lots you don't know." I peeked at his neck, It was red and littered with hickeys, there was even some light purple bruising around the bite marks. " I should disinfect the wound bob, unless you want an infection in your neck." He smiled playfully, ~ anything I get from you in an honor~ I laughed and gently pushed him as I slide off his body and stood up, " you're stupid!" I said before giggling my way up the stairs to grab the first aid kit Id used on my neck previously. 

I quickly went back downstairs and plopped down right next to bob, and grabbed the stuff I got the stuff I needed. "bob, hold me please" bob lifted me up again so that I could get at his neck comfortably, I tilted his head to the side so that I could work easier, I began applying antiseptic to the wounds and bites. " oh, well I'm doing this how is your arm doing?", ~its doing just fine sweetheart, what about your hand?~ I smiled softly but continued to keep my eyes on my work, " My hands ok, hurts but ok ... I'll still be able to work" I gently began placing the bandages, bob had begun gently petting my back.

~ what do you do for work?~

~|Bathed In Red|~  A bob velseb X readerWhere stories live. Discover now