vote vote VOTE AHHH

285 13 88

Hello! So in my time away from this story I did some thinking and I have settled on three possible endings for Bathed in Red ... AND YALL GET TO VOTE FOR IT. Now to make this fun for me Im gonna name the endings ominously and not explain them, but be warned in one you die, in another bob dies and in the last possible ending yall get to be happy together (BOOO GROSS happy couple shit .. BLECH /j)

Option one : Everything Ending

Option two : Bloodied Hands Ending

Option three : Free Ending

Change of plans my dears, I have the day off of school so voting ends right now because I will be bored out of my skull if I don't do something all day. The ending with the most votes was ... OPTION THREE! yaaaaaaaaay! We will see if you all chose right. For now Voting stays open on the other two endings. If you voted on free ending vote on another and that will be the second one I write. 

~|Bathed In Red|~  A bob velseb X readerWhere stories live. Discover now