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| beware my sweet simps, I turned into a pine tree while writing this chapter so prepare for a lot of sap in this chapter.| Btw the song listed above is what Bob is humming later in the chapter |

Bob gently lowered me into the bathtub before turning the water on. He slipped in behind me and I leaned into him, his large arms wrapped around me securing me in place. I closed my eyes, the warm water coupled with my exhaustion made it extremely hard to not fall asleep. I felt bobs hands start to gently rub and caress my neck, I winced. The wounds on my neck stung, even though I knew bob was being as gentle as possible It hurt. Next time I might have to ask him to tone down the biting, hopefully he'll understand.
Sure the rough, bitey, aggressive sex is nice and all but sometimes softer stuff is just as great.

~Sorry, I'm trying to be gentle~

"You're doing fine, It doesn't hurt as bad as I made it look" Despite my words Bob continued to clean my wounds with hesitance. The initial pain faded into a weak ache and my body relaxed, I drifted into a calm and peaceful state. I got lost in the warmth of the water and Bobs body behind me, the feeling of his hands gently trailing from my neck to my shoulders and down my arms, the comfort in knowing that I was safe and cared for.
That was the best part, simply knowing that somebody cared for me. It made me feel happy, it made me feel wanted, it made me feel Loved. 


Up until this point I hadn't really thought about it. I've never loved somebody, never had the chance really. Being what I was, as in a stripper, for years I didn't really attract the loving crowd. Then going to college for a few more years using my stripper money I was completely focused on schooling and graduating, I didn't have time for friends let alone a partner. It wasn't like I wasn't attracted to people but It wasn't romantic attraction, I was only in it for quick hook ups and cheap sex. 

But ...

When I think about Bob I'm not just thinking about ways I can get him into my bed, I'm not only thinking about how big he is or how good he is. I think about how caring he is and his protectiveness. I think about how cute he looks when he's nervous and how he must borrow gods hands while he's cooking because there's no way a person can cook that good. I think about how understanding and cuddly he is, and ...... I think about how much I love him. Yes, this was love. I didn't just like him like I told him and have been telling myself, this wasn't just my common over attachment from a one night stand. I loved him, I loved him a lot.

By this point bob had finished washing my body and had moved onto my hair. His fingers gently moved through my hair and over my scalp. He was humming softly, I didn't recognize the song but it sounded nice. He pulled his fingers away from my head and washed the soap off his hands in the water. He gently leaned me forward and tilted my head down before cupping his hands and running water over my head to wash the shampoo out. I closed my eyes while the soapy water ran down my hair and face, when the water stopped I wrang my hair out and settled it back to a comfortable spot. I spun around to face Bob.

"Your turn" Bob smiled warmly and placed his hands on my shoulders.

~You don't have to do that, you're tired~ I frowned

"I'm not gonna pass out from washing you, I want to" 

~No, you're exhausted. you deserve to relax for a minute~ 

I sighed, "Bob I already did relax, I'm not as tired anymore and you have to be tired too"

He chuckled, ~I'm not gonna convince you otherwise am I?~ 

I shook my head and he sighed.

~Alright darlin', If your up for it go ahead~ 

I smiled brightly. Bob turned around as I put soap on my hands, I began to trail my hands up and down his back. I moved from his back up to his neck and shoulders, I watched him relax under my touch. I liked this. I think I looked forward to the soft intimate moments after the sex than the sex itself. Its nice to be cared for and to care for somebody else. Nobody has ever cared for me the way that Bob does, he makes sure I'm comfortable and happy. Honestly his possessiveness doesn't really bother me because he genuinely cares for me, unlike other people I've known who are possessive because they're assholes. Sometimes when I'm around Bob I don't know what to do with myself, I feel like a giddy school girl. His smile makes me so happy, he just has this contagious energy. But I know that I shouldn't

Bob, despite being so amazing to me, isn't a good person in the slightest. He is a serial cannibal, he has murdered and eaten several people. I'm no saint myself, far from it, but something in the back of my mind tells me its wrong. I feel ... insane, for loving a murderer. But at the same time, I just don't care. He treats me so amazing, he is kind and loving to me, he cares for me. He gives me the love and attention that I've craved and needed for so long, and I finally had somebody that I could confidently say I loved. 

I'd finished washing Bob's body and quickly moved to his hair. Washing his hair was one of my favorite things to do, it was just so scruffy and fun to run my fingers through. It was also fun because I could tell he really liked it when I did, as when I started to run my soapy fingers through his hair he let out a pleased sigh and started to melt. I took my time washing his hair, repeatedly going back over spots id already been. Eventually I grew too tired to continue and removed my fingers from his hair, he washed the soap out of his hair while I rinsed my hands in the water. Once he finished I pulled the drain plug and Bob got out of the water to grab some towels. He quickly dried himself off and secured his towel in place before bending down and helping me out of the water. He dried me off with another towel and then wrapped it around me. I sat down on the edge of the tub so that he could bandage up my neck, after carefully wrapping my neck up Bob placed his hand on my back to support me as we walked out of the bathroom.
We walked back into the bedroom and I tiredly sat on the bed while bob got clothes for both of us. He quickly got dressed and then turned back to me to help me get dressed. He helped my pull sweatpants on and he slid a shirt down over my head. Once I was fully dressed I leaned into Bob and placed my forehead on his chest. He began to rub my back as I stood there.


"Mhm .... Bob?"

~Yes sweetheart?~

"I love you"

I heard Bob's breath still and his hand stopped moving and stayed in place on my back.

~Do you .. Do you really mean that?~

I could feel Bob start shaking. I looked up at him, Tears were welled in the corners of his eyes. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I mean it with everything I have, From the deepest pits of my heart ... I love you" 

Bob wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in my shoulder. I patted his back while he sniffled into my shoulder, we stood there for a few minutes. Eventually Bob pulled away from me and wiped his eyes, I gently grabbed his face and pulled it close to mine. I lightly kissed him before letting go of him and crawling onto the bed, He crawled on behind me and we both settled under the sheets. I turned to face him and buried myself into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me to hold me in place. I felt myself falling asleep almost instantly.

|3rd Pov|

Bob held onto you and gently rubbed your back while you slept. He looked down at your small body and smiled, he was happy that he could make you feel at ease and safe. He laid his head down on a pillow and closed his eyes ready to drift off to sleep.

~I love you too Y/n~

|I hope this sappy chapter made you all happy, I had several fluff breakdowns while writing it. I love you all. Happy existing, pray for my sanity <3<3<3|

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