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While bob was cooking downstairs I quickly cycled through everything to make sure I would be ready to wake up tomorrow, Since it was a strip club I didn't need to wake up with an alarm at all since work started at 6 pm I needed to leave at 5 pm. I just wanted to make sure that everything was ready now so that I didn't have a frazzled brain before I left. I made sure my work clothes were ready to go and a few other small things. Everything was ready to go so I popped downstairs and sat at the counter to watch bob cook, as always it smelled amazing and watching bob cook was calming. I placed my head in my palm and watched, I smiled and my face got a little red. Bob peeked over his shoulder and smiled at me, ~wanna help?~ my eyes went wide and my smile widened, I nodded and jumped up to go to the other side of the counter, he chuckled at my excitement and moved to the side. ~ how about you cut some vegetables? just don't mangle your fingers~  "I wont! I'm very ... familiar with knives" I tossed bob a side glance before starting to cut the vegetables. He stared for a second and then blushed slightly, he turned his head back to what he was doing and I grabbed a carrot. I had finished cutting all the vegetables in about 5 minutes. I slid them all to the side of the cutting board in a fluid motion and set the knife down, I clasped my hands and smiled at bob, he had a look of surprise on his face, ~ that was ... fast darlin', where'd you get those knife skills?~ I lowered my eyes and in a mysterious secretive voice I said, "you'll never know." I stepped back and jumped up to sit on the counter behind him, he smiled and returned to cooking. 

He turned around two plates in hand and I excitedly crawled over the counter to sit in my seat. I slid down into my chair and bob placed the food Infront of me, I took the first bite and ate it so fast I nearly choked. ~slow down sweetheart, savor it~ I was already savoring it though, I was practically melting over the table, I kicked my feet and squealed. Bob smiled at my little display and went back to eating his meal. We ate and when we both had finished bob stood up and grabbed both our plates before I could stop him, "hey! bob no I wanna-" he put a finger on my lips to quiet me, ~no, you did it last time so I'm doin' it this time. No buts about it sweetheart~ I gave him a look but complied and went to sit in the living room to wait for him, he finished quickly and then came to sit next to me on the couch. when he sat down I scrambled onto his lap and made myself comfortable, he placed his hands on on my sides and held me in place while I grabbed the remote. I switched on the tv and then leaned back into him, he moved a hand to my chest and the other to my stomach. We cuddled together while watching the tv and I felt very relaxed, the slight motion of rising and falling from his breathing and the warm comfort made me blush. He really was something, some might say the perfect man, if it wasn't for his unfortunate ... hobby. It surprised me how much it didn't bother me that he'd killed people, and then ate them. I suppose I could understand slightly, after all I did enjoy the taste of blood, just not enough to actually eat a person. Bob could tell I was deep in thought, ~what's on your mind sweetheart?~, "just thinkin'" bob started to pet me gently, ~ about what?~ I sighed and nestled down against him, "you". He smiled, ~oh really?~ I flipped around and laid on his stomach. "bob, why didn't you kill me?" Bob looked surprised, ~w-why do you ask?~ I looked down for a moment, "I was just thinking about it, you stalk kill and eat other people. but not me, I just was curious as to why" Bob looked at me awkwardly, ~ I-I .... I just .. couldn't~ I tilted my head "what do you mean you couldn't?" ~ I just couldn't sweetheart, your just different. I like you~ my face went a little red and I buried my face in his sweater, "ih lkm vou lu" bob looked confused,~ what was that darlin'?~ I lifted my face and closed my eyes, flustered "I like you too!" bobs looked stunned. Suddenly he lifted me up to his face and he kissed me, I instantly kissed him back. Our lips broke, we stared into each others eyes before our lips connected again. His tongue slipped into my mouth and mine into his, I felt his hands slipped from my waist to my ass. Our lips broke for air, both of us panting, before kissing again. Bob stood lifting me up with him and began to head upstairs, I moaned as we kissed, our lips broke again as he set me on the bed. He got on top of me and started kissing me again, he steered clear of my neck and I could tell it was hard for him to control himself. I gently pushed his chest and our lips broke again, he was red faced and panting. ~somthin' wrong darlin'?~ his voice sounded impatient, he looked like he was just seconds away from going mad with desire. "n .. *pant* .. no ... bob?" his eyes looked wild and dangerous, ~ yes?~.

"d ... do you ..... do you know how to prepare a man?" 

(that wraps it up for this part, stay horny you simps >:3) 

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